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International Business

Among the world's largest and most decorated collections of international business and strategy scholars, D'Amore-McKim's faculty produced the most publications in Journal of International Business Studies of all universities in the world from 2016-2019 according to the UTD Journal List. Their research focuses extensively on firms' strategies in the context of emerging markets and on aspects of global leadership. More specifically, our faculty examine MNCs in emerging markets; reverse innovation; global talent management; global entrepreneurship and innovation; global health care management; and global corporate governance and ethics.

Health Care in Sub-Saharan Africa: 21st Century Trends and Forecasts

The future of health in Sub-Saharan Africa is both uncertain and promising. Life expectancy in this region has increased significantly, and growing economies may provide opportunities for increased financing for health. To effectively improve health in Sub-Saharan Africa, deliberate political investments and African-led models are necessary, as well as robust health systems that can adapt to changing disease and demographic patterns. Community health workers will play a crucial role in achieving universal health coverage and combating pandemics. However, Sub-Saharan Africa remains reliant on foreign financing and must combat corruption and improve domestic health governance to achieve autonomy. Ultimately, interventions to improve health in the region must target the population's changing needs and infrastructure demands.


Prioritizing experimentation over planning; discovering opportunities through design thinking; developing quickly with fewer resources; reducing waste & eliminating bureaucracy… D'Amore-McKim faculty focus on infusing innovation in everything they do.

How Informal Entrepreneurship Impacts Innovation in Emerging Economies

Research by Juan Bu and Alvaro Cuervo-Cazurra shows that new ventures in emerging markets, initially created informally, suffer from costs that persist and constrain a firm's ability to innovate even after they formalize their status. As a result of these informality costs, informally created new ventures are more likely to develop imitative rather than innovative new products. However, being acquired by other firms and improvements in the national innovation system can weaken the persistence of these informality costs, resulting in more innovation. To explain these findings, Bu and Cuervo-Cazurra develop the concept of internal imprinting, which captures how the internal characteristics of a company result in the establishment of practices that persist over time, affecting behavior and innovation. Managers in emerging markets should consider formalizing their firms from the beginning or joining a private business group to mitigate the negative impact of informality on their firms' innovativeness.

Unconventional Remedies: How Reverse Innovation Can Help Fix the US Healthcare Industry

Reverse innovation, which involves transferring new ideas and innovations from emerging economies to developed economies, can help fix the American healthcare system, which suffers from high costs, uneven quality, and less-than universal access. Developing countries like India are under great pressure to use their very limited medical resources to serve the greatest number of people, at the lowest cost, while maintaining quality. As a result, a handful of Indian healthcare exemplars have mastered clever ways to simultaneously lower healthcare costs, improve quality, and expand access. Govindarajan and Ramamurti identify their secret sauce and recommend that healthcare organizations in the US and elsewhere consider emulating those strategies and practices.


D'Amore-McKim Management faculty focus on how to be effective in managing the individual, the group, or the team & how to diagnose & solve individual, group, & organizational problems, including managing people across different cultures.

Brookings: Workforce ecosystems and AI

Workforce ecosystems and AI

Christoph Riedl and his co-authors suggest AI is accelerating the emergence of workforce ecosystems in new research posted on Brookings.


D'Amore-McKim Marketing faculty use multiple theoretical & empirical approaches to examine company-customer relationships across a variety of areas, including digital marketing, sales management, services, consumer behavior, innovation, & strategy.  

Supply Chain and Information Management

Much of the Supply Chain & Information Management faculty are credentialed from premier universities and are actively involved in research spanning a broad array of subjects. They regularly publish in well respected academic and practitioner journals. The faculty research, professional involvement, consulting, and other interactions with practitioners gives them the ability to share with students their vast professional experience.