In the digital domain, our faculty seek to answer questions such as how digital products, social media, and online environments impact purchase, consumption, and product innovation; how consumers and firms respond to new digital technologies, digital communications and digital business models; how marketing actions affect online consumer behavior and lift company performance; and what drives marketing effectiveness and customer engagement. In the social domain, our faculty research questions how social factors influence consumers' choices and how these factors can be leveraged to strengthen relationships between firms and consumers, improve individual and societal wellbeing, and support health, sustainability, and innovation.

Easy, breezy, risky: Lay investors fail to diversify because correlated assets feel more fluent and less risky
Cornil, Y., Hardisty, D. J., Yakov Bart
Organizational Behavior & Human Decision Processes

Market-Oriented Culture and Customer Feedback Processes
Morgan, N.A., Bruce Clark, Vorhies, D.
Edward Elgar Publishing

The impact of customer engagement behaviors and majority/minority information on the use of online reviews
Paul Fombelle
, Baker, T.L., Voorhees, C., Hall, K., Runnalls, B.
Edward Elgar Publishing

Putting Words in Their Mouths: Examination of Pre-written Content
Beck, J.M., Paul Fombelle, Voorhees, C., Lemon, K.N.
Marketing Science Institute 

Dame Anita Roddick: Transforming Personal Values and Strengths to Build an Empire
Felicia Lassk

Go-To-Market Strategies For Women Entrepreneurs: Creating and Exploring Success

Is Best Answer Really The Best Answer? The Politeness Bias
Shun-Yang Lee, Rui, H., Whinston, A.
MIS Quarterly

Joint Impact of Ethical Climate and External Work Locus of Control on Job Meaningfulness
Jay Mulki, Felicia Lassk

Journal of Business Research

Social Media's Impact on the Consumer Mindset: When to Use Which Sentiment Extraction Tool?
Koen Pauwels
Journal of Interactive Marketing

The Impact of Adding Online-to-Offline Channels on Firm's Offline and Total Revenues
Koen Pauwels
Journal of Interactive Marketing

Big and lean is beautiful: A conceptual framework for data-based learning in marketing management
Koen Pauwels
Review of Marketing Research

The Cannabis Industry: A Natural Laboratory for Marketing Strategy Research
Olsen, M., Keith Smith
Marketing Letters

Does Changing Defaults Save Lives? Impact of Presumed Consent Policies for Organ Donation
Mary Steffel
, Williams, E.F., Tannenbaum, D.
Behavioral Public Policy

Survey Research Best Practices: Evidence From Top Marketing Journals
Hull, J., Baugartner, H., Keith Smith
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science

Perspective-taking Doesn't Help You Understand What Others Want
Eyal, T., Mary Steffel, Epley, N.
Harvard Business Review

Where in the World are Consumers More Sensitive to Price and Ratings?
Koen Pauwels
Journal of Interactive Marketing

Sales Scholarship: Honoring the Past and Defining the Future
Flaherty, K., Felicia Lassk, L., N., Marshall, G.W., Moncrief, W., Jay Mulki, Pullins, E.
Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management

Social Strategy as a Means to Gain Knowledge for Innovation
Candi, M., Roberts, D., Tucker Marion, Gloria Barczak
British Journal of Management

Tailored Cheap Talk: The Effects of Privacy Policy On Ad Content and Market Outcomes
Gardete, P., Yakov Bart
Marketing Science

Temporal Myopia in Sustainable Behavior When Facing Uncertainty
van der Wal, A., van Horen, F., Amir Grinstein
International Journal of Research in Marketing

Battle of the Brand Fans: Impact of Brand Attack and Defense on Social Media
Koen Pauwels, Ilhan, B. E., Kubler, R.
Journal of Interactive Marketing

Local Market Characteristics and Online-to-Offline Commerce: An Empirical Analysis of Groupon
Li, H., Shen, Q., Yakov Bart
Management Science

Carbon Innumeracy
Amir Grinstein
, Evan, K., Chen, S., Seth, S., Ory, Z.

Improving Consumer Mind-Set Metrics and Shareholder Value through Social Media: The Different Roles of Owned and Earned
Colicev, A., Malshe, A. A., Koen Pauwels, O'Connor, P.
Journal of Marketing

Pricing Best Sellers and Traffic Generators: The Role of Asymmetric Cross-selling
Kocas, C., Koen Pauwels, Bohlmann, J. D.
Journal of Interactive Marketing

Marketing Survey Research Best Practices: Evidence and Recommendations from a Review of JAMS Articles
Hulland, J., Baumgartner, H., Keith Smith
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science

Delegating Decisions: Recruiting Others to Make Difficult Choices
Mary Steffel, Williams, E. F.
Journal of Consumer Research

The Changing Bases of Mutual Trust Formation in Inter-Organizational Relationships: A Dyadic Study of University-Industry Research Collaborations
Hemmert, M., Bstieler, L., Gloria Barczak
Journal of Business Research

Consumer Connectivity in a Complex, Technology-Enabled, and Mobile-Oriented World with Smart Products
Verhoef, P.C., Stephen, A.T., Kannan, P.K., Luo, X., Abhishek, V., Andrews, M., Yakov Bart, Datta, H., Fong, N.M., Hoffman, D.L., Hu, M., Novak, T., Rand, W., Zhang, Y.
Journal of Interactive Marketing

Customer Engagement in a Big Data World
Aksoy, L., Kunz, W., Yakov Bart, Heinonen, K., Kabaday, S., Villarroel Ordenes, F., Sigala, M., Theodoulidis, B., Diaz, D.
Journal of Services Marketing

Service Encounters, Experiences and the Customer Journey: Defining the Field and a Call to Expand beyond the Core Service Encounter
Paul W. Fombelle, Voorhees, C., Gregoire, Y., Gustafsson, A., Bone, S., Sousa, R.
Journal of Business Research

Branding Strategies for High Technology Products: The Effects of Consumer and Product Innovativeness
Troung, Y., Klink, R., Amir Grinstein, Simmons, G., Palmer, M.
Journal of Business Research

Physical Activity Counseling in Primary Care: Insights from Public Health & Behavioral Economics
Shuval, K., Leonard, T., Drope, J., Katz, D. L., Patel, A. V., Maitin-Shepard, M., Amir, O., Amir Grinstein
CA: A Cancer Journal for Clinicians

A marketing perspective on business models
Gatignon, H., Lecocq, X., Koen Pauwels, Sorescu, A.
AMS Review

Combining big data and lean startup methods for business model evolution
Seggie, S. H. , Soyer, E., Koen Pauwels
AMS Review

Spillover Effects In Seeded Word-Of-Mouth Marketing Campaigns
Chae, I., Stephen, A. T., Yakov Bart, Yao, D.
Marketing Science

Mobile Advertising: A Framework and Research Agenda
Grewal, D., Yakov Bart, Spann, M., Zubcsek, P. P.
Journal of Interactive Marketing

Responding to the 98%: face-enhancing strategies for dealing with rejected customer ideas
Paul W. Fombelle, Bone, S. A., Lemon, K. N.
Journal of Academy of Marketing Science

Defining service innovation, a review synthesis
Snyder, H., Witell, L., Gustafsson, A., Paul W. Fombelle, Kristensson, P.
Journal of Business Research

Identifying Categories of Service Innovation: A Review and Synthesis of the Literature
Witell, L., Snyder, H., Gustafsson, A., Paul W. Fombelle, Kristenssson, P.
Journal of Business Research

“Mere Measurement Plus”: How Solicitation of Open-Ended Positive Feedback Influences Customer Purchase Behavior
Bone, S. A., Lemon, K. N., Voohrees, C., Liljenquist, K. N., Paul W. Fombelle, Detienne, K. B., Money, R. B.
Journal of Marketing Research

Shopping under the influence of curiosity: How retailers use mystery to drive purchase motivation
Hill, K. M., Paul W. Fombelle, Sirianni, N.
Journal of Business Research

Spare the Rod and Spoil the Child? How Praising, Scolding, and Assertiveness can Encourage Desired Behaviors
Amir Grinstein, Kronrod, A.
Journal of Marketing Research

The Boomerang Effect of Descriptive Norm Demarketing: Extension and Remedy in an Environmental Context
Yakobovitch, N., Amir Grinstein
Journal of Public Policy and Marketing

Whose Innovation Performance Benefits More from External Networks: Entrepreneurial or Conservative Firms?
Baker, W., Amir Grinstein, Harmancioglu, N.
Journal of Product Innovation Management

Customizing your Social Strategy to the Platform
Tucker J. Marion, Roberts, D., Candi, M., Gloria Barczak
Sloan Management Review

Like the ad or the brand? Marketing stimulates different electronic word-of-mouth content to drive online and offline performance
Koen Pauwels, Zeynep Aksehirli, Lackman, A.
International Journal of Research in Marketing

Demonstrating the Value of Marketing
Hanssens, D. M., Koen Pauwels
Journal of Marketing

The effectiveness of different forms of online advertising for purchase conversion in a multiple-channel attribution framework
de Haan, E., Wiesel, T., Koen Pauwels
International Journal of Research in Marketing

No Comment?! The Drivers of Reactions to Online Posts in Professional Groups
Rooderkerk, R. P., Koen Pauwels
Journal of Interactive Marketing

The Impact of Brand Familiarity on Online and Offline Media Synergy
Koen Pauwels, Demirci, C., Yildirim, G., Srinivasan, S.
International Journal of Research in Marketing

Do Display Ads Influence Search? Attribution and Dynamics in Online Advertising
Kireyev, P., Koen Pauwels, Gupta, S.
International Journal of Research in Marketing

Community Participation and Consumer to Consumer Helping: Does Participation in Third-Party Hosted Communities Reduce the Likelihood to Help?
Thompson, S. A., Kim, M., Keith M. Smith
Journal of Marketing Research

Passing the Buck: Delegating Choices to Others to Avoid Responsibility and Blame
Mary Steffel, Williams, E. F., Perrmann-Graham, J.
Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes

Ethically Deployed Defaults: Transparency and Consumer Protection Via Disclosure and Preference Articulation
Mary L. Steffel, Williams, E. F., Pogacar, R.
Journal of Marketing Research

Big Data and consumer behavior: imminent opportunities
Hofacker, C. F., Malthouse, E. C., Fareena Sultan
Journal of Consumer Marketing

New Books

Social Media Marketing: Principles and Strategies (2nd ed.)
Stephen, A. T., Yakov Bart

Recognized as leaders in the field of marketing, our distinguished faculty serve in a number of key editorial positions on academic journals, university presses and other scholarly outlets.

IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management: Gloria Barczak, Editorial Board Member

International Journal of Research in Marketing: Amir Grinstein, Editorial Review Board Member; Koen Pauwels, Senior Editor

Journal of Business Research: Paul Fombelle, Editorial Board Member

Journal of Interactive Marketing: Yakov Bart, Editorial Board Member; Koen Pauwels, Editorial Board Member; Fareena Sultan, Editorial Board Member

Journal of International Marketing: Amir Grinstein, Editorial Board Member

Journal of Marketing: Koen Pauwels, Associate Editor; Amir Grinstein, Editorial Board Member

Journal of Marketing Analytics: Fareena Sultan, Editorial Board Member

Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice: Jay Mulki, Editorial Board Member

Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management: Felicia Lassk, Editorial Board Member; Jay Mulki, Editorial Board Member

Journal of Product Innovation Management: Gloria Barczak, Editor-in-Chief

Journal of Public Policy and Marketing: Amir Grinstein, Editorial Review Board Member

Journal of Retailing: Koen Pauwels, Editorial Board Member

Marketing Education Review: Felicia Lassk, Editorial Board Member

Psychology & Marketing: Jay Mulki, Editorial Board Member

Yakov Bart: 2018 DMSB Ronald Copeland Best Paper Award Finalist

Yakov Bart: 2017 Recognized as one of the 40 Best Undergraduate Business Professors by Poets & Quants

Yakov Bart: 2017 Research Award from the Center for Emerging Markets at D'Amore-McKim School of Business

Yakov Bart: 2017 Journal of Interactive Marketing Best Paper Award

Yakov Bart: 2017 TIER 1 Interdisciplinary Research Seed Grant, Northeastern University

Yakov Bart: 2016 Knowledge Exchange Program Award, NSF Northeast Big Data Innovation Hub

Yakov Bart: 2015 and 2016 Research Grant Recipient, Marketing Science Institute

Paul Fombelle: 2017 TIER 1 Interdisciplinary Research Seed Grants, Northeastern University

Amir Grinstein: 2016 Research Grant Recipient, Marketing Science Institute

Jay Mulki: 2017 Research Award from the Center for Emerging Markets at D'Amore-McKim School of Business

Koen Pauwels: 2018 Winner of Gary L. Lilien ISMS-MSI Practice Prize, Marketing Science conference

Koen Pauwels: “Top 100 Inspirational Alumnus”, UCLA

Koen Pauwels: 2017 Davidson Best Paper Award, Journal of Retailing

Koen Pauwels: 2017 Research Award from the Center for Emerging Markets at D'Amore-McKim School of Business

Koen Pauwels: Named D'Amore-McKim School of Business Distinguished Professor of Marketing

Mary Steffel: 2018 Recognized as one of the 50 Top Undergraduate Business Professors by Poets & Quants

Mary Steffel: 2016 DMSB Ronald Copeland Best Paper Award Finalist

Fareena Sultan: 2017 Journal of Consumer Marketing Best Paper Award

Fareena Sultan: 2016 Research Grant Recipient, Marketing Science Institute

Jennifer Yule: 2018 DMSB Teacher of the Year Award Winner (peer nominated award)

Jennifer Yule: 2016 DMSB Best Teacher of the Year Award Finalist (student nominated award)

Yakov Bart: Named Joseph G. Riesman Research Professor and Thomas E. Moore Faculty Fellow

Paul Fombelle: Named Thomas E. Moore Faculty Fellow

Amir Grinstein: Named Patrick F. & Helen C. Walsh Research Professor and Thomas E. Moore Faculty Fellow

Jay Mulki: Named Renfro Fellow

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