Faculty in the Management and Organizational Development Group hail from leading institutions around the world and, collectively, draw upon hundreds of years of experience in leadership and managerial roles. They are active in a wide assortment of professional activities, from research and consulting to community service. Many serve on important advisory boards.

Say It as It Is: Consequences of Voice Directness, Voice Politeness, and Perceived Credibility on Voice Endorsement
Lam, C.F., Cynthia Lee, & Yang, S.
Journal of Applied Psychology


New directions for explain the consequences of proactive behaviors: Introduction to the special issue
Liu, W., Tangirala, S., Cynthia Lee, & Parker, S.K.
Journal of Organizational Behavior

When and Why People Engage in Different Forms of Proactive Behavior: Interactive Effects of Self-Construals and Work Characteristics
Wu, C.H., Parker, S.K., Wu, L.Z., Cynthia Lee
Academy of Management Journal

Workplace Ostracism and Employee Creativity: An Integrative Approach Incorporating Pragmatic and Engagement Roles
Kwan, H.K.,Zhang, X., Liu, J., Cynthia Lee
Journal of Applied Psychology

Retaining Professionally-Employed New Mothers: The Importance of Maternal Confidence and Workplace Support to Their Intent to Stay
Jamie Ladge, Humberd, B., Kimberly Eddleston
Human Resource Management

How Companies Make It Harder for Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Employees to Achieve Work-Life Balance
Sawyer, K., Thoroughgood, C., Jamie Ladge
Harvard Business Review

Interviews with 59 Black female executives explore intersectional invisibility
Washington, A.S. , Marla Baskerville, Jamie Ladge
Harvard Business Review

Board Antecedents of CEO Duality and the Moderating Role of Country-level Managerial Discretion: A Meta-analytic Investigation
Wang, G., Deghetto, K., Parker Ellen, Lamont, B.T.
Journal of Management Studies

High Performance Work Practice Implementation and Follower Impressions of Line Manager Leadership
Russell, Z.A., Steffensen S.B., Parker Ellen, Zhang, L. Bishoff, J., Ferris, G.R.
Human Resource Management Review

Social Influence Opportunity Recognition, Evaluation, and Capitalization: Increase Theoretical Specification through Political Skill's Dimensional Dynamics
McAllister, C., Parker Ellen, Ferris, G.R.,
Journal of Management

Teaching the Basics of Negotiation in One Class
Edward Wertheim, Leonard Glick, Barbara Zepp Larson
Management Teaching Review

Building a Better Jigsaw Puzzle: Using a Corporate Partnership
Paulette McCarty, Edward Wertheim
Business Education Innovation Journal

Dealing with the full-of-self-boss: Interactive effects of supervisor narcissism and subordinate resource management ability on work outcomes
Parker Ellen, Kiewitz, C., Garcia, P. R. J., Hochwarter, W. A.
Journal of Business Ethics

Personal initiative and job performance evaluations: The role of political skill in opportunity recognition and capitalization
Wihler, A., Blickle, G., Parker Ellen, Hochwarter, W. A., Ferris, G. R.
Journal of Management

When lesbians become mothers: Identity validation, claiming birth “rights” and the role of diversity climate
Hennekman, S., Jamie J. Ladge
Journal of Vocational Behavior

Invisible families, invisible conflicts: Examining identity-based work-family conflict for same-sex couples
Sawyer, K. B., Thoroughgood, C. N., Jamie J. Ladge
Journal of Vocational Behavior

Changing the Perspective of Virtual Work: Building Virtual Intelligence at the Individual Level
Makarius, E. E., Barbara Larson
Academy of Management Perspectives

Deviance and Exit: The Organizational Costs of Job Insecurity and Moral Disengagement
Huang, G.-h., Wellman, E., Ashford, S. J., Cynthia Lee, Chen, S.
Journal of Applied Psychology

When and why people engage in different forms of proactive behavior: interactive effects of self-construals and work characteristics
Wu, C.H., Parker, S.K., Wu, L.Z., Cynthia Lee
Academy of Management Journal

Rent Seeking and the Transformation of Employment Relationships: The Effect of Corporate Restructuring on Wage Patterns, Determinants, and Inequality
John Dencker, Fang, C.
American Sociological Review

More than one way to articulate a vision: A Configurations Approach to Leader Charismatic Rhetoric and Influence
Baur, J. E., Parker Ellen, Buckley, M. R., Ferris, G. R., Allison, T. H., McKenny, A. F., Short, J. C.
The Leadership Quarterly

Navigating Uneven Terrain: Political Skill, LMX Differentiation, and Employee Outcomes
Epitropaki, O., Kapoutsis, I., Parker Ellen, Ferris, G. R., Drivas, K., Ntotsi, A.
Journal of Organizational Behavior

Coping with the Effects of Emotionally Difficult Work
Clair, J., Jamie J. Ladge, Cotton, R.
Harvard Business Review

Do you see what I see? Signalling Effects of Gender and Firm Characteristics on Financing Entrepreneurial Ventures
Kimberly Eddleston, Jamie J. Ladge, Mitteness, C. R., Balachandra, L.
Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice

This is how we do it: How HR Professionals Offset their Distress over Repeated Downsizing Work by Helping Others in Need
Clair, J., Jamie J. Ladge, Cotton, R.
Journal of Management Inquiry

Not Even the Past: The Joint Influence of Former Leader and New Leader in Organizational Change
Zhao, H.H., Seibert, S., Taylor, M.S., Cynthia Lee, Lam, W.
Journal of Applied Psychology

Does Proactive Personality Matter in Leadership Transitions? Effects of Proactive Personality on Employees' Identification with New Leader and Responses to New Leader's Change Agenda
Lam, W., Cynthia Lee, Taylor, S. M., Zhao, H.
Academy of Management Journal

The Positive Role of Global Leaders in Enhancing Multicultural Team Innovation
Lisak, A., Erez, M., Sui, Y., Cynthia Lee
Journal of International Business Studies

Why and When Workplace Ostracism Inhibits Citizenship Behaviors: An Organizational Identification Perspective
Wu, C.H., Liu, J., Kwan, H.K., Cynthia Lee
Journal of Applied Psychology

It's Not About the Leaders: It's About the Practice of Leadership
Joseph Raelin
Organizational Dynamics

New Books

Next in Line: Lowered Care Expectations in the Age of Retail and Value-Based Health
Timothy Hoff
Oxford University Press

The Health Professional Workforce: New Directions in Theory and Practice
Timothy Hoff
Oxford University Press

Recognized as leaders in the fields of management and organizational development, our distinguished faculty serve in a number of key editorial positions on academic journals, university presses and other scholarly outlets.

Academy of Management Journal: John Dencker, Editorial Board Member

Administrative Science Quarterly: John Dencker, Editorial Board Member

Advances in Healthcare Management: Timothy Hoff, Editorial Board Member

Business Education Innovation: Edward Wertheim, Editorial Board Member

Health Care Management Review: Timothy Hoff, Editorial Board Member

Health Services Management Research: Timothy Hoff, Associate Editor

Journal of Applied Psychology: Cynthia Lee, Editorial Board Member

Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies: Parker Ellen, Editorial Board Member

Journal of Management: Jamie Ladge, Editorial Board Member

Journal of Organizational Behavior: Cynthia Lee, Associate Editor; Parker Ellen, Editorial Board Member

Medical Care Research and Review: Timothy Hoff, Editorial Board Member

Jamie Ladge: 2018 Finalist, Rosabeth Moss Kanter Award for Excellence in Work-Family Research

Jamie Ladge: 2018 Best Paper Award, Academy of Management Careers Division, Research

Leonard Glick: 2018 D'Amore-McKim Teaching Innovation Award for “The Management Practices of Great Organizations” course

Leonard Glick: 2017 Finalist, D'Amore-McKim Best Teacher Award, Sponsored by General Electric

John Dencker: 2016 Outstanding Reviewer Award, Academy of Management Journal

Timothy Hoff: 2016 Best Paper Runner-Up Award, Academy of Management, Healthcare Management Division

Jamie Ladge: 2016 Tier 1 Research Award, Northeastern University

Cynthia Lee: 2016 Nash Outstanding Doctoral Alumni Award, University of Maryland

Mark Huselid: Named Fellows in the Society of Organizational and Industrial Psychology

Timothy Hoff: Named Oxford University Visiting Associate Fellow

Jamie Ladge: Named Patrick F. & Helen C. Walsh Research Professor

Cynthia Lee: Named Fellow in the Society of Organizational and Industrial Psychology

Cynthia Lee: Named Member of the Society for Organizational Behavior

Latest news

Campus Sign Summer

Five D'Amore-McKim faculty and staff recognized at 2023 AOM conference

The Academy of Management (AOM), the preeminent professional association for management and organization scholars, recently hosted its annual conference in Boston. As part of the event, several awards were announced for journal authors, reviewers, and symposium conductors across its six journals and 26 divisions and interest groups. The D’Amore-McKim community fared well in these results, with five faculty and staff among those recognized.