Much of the Supply Chain & Information Management faculty are credentialed from premier universities and are actively involved in research spanning a broad array of subjects. They regularly publish in well respected academic and practitioner journals. The faculty research, professional involvement, consulting, and other interactions with practitioners gives them the ability to share with students their vast professional experience.
Cooperation in Crowd Work: Attitude and Perception of Crowd Workers on Upwork
Fulker, Z., Christoph Riedl
Proceedings of the ACM on Human Computer Interaction
Workforce Ecosystems and AI
Kiron, D., Altman, E.J., Christoph Riedl
Brookings Institute
Collective attention and collective intelligence: The role of hierarchy and team gender composition
Woolley, A.W., Chow, R., Mayo, A., Christoph Riedl., Chang, J.W.
Organization Science
Collective Intelligence in Human-AI Teams: A Bayesian Theory of Mind Approach
Westby, S., Christoph Riedl
Proceedings of Thirty-Seventh AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence
Quantifying Collective Intelligence in Human Groups
Christoph Riedl, Kim, Y.J., Gupta, P., Malone, T.W., Woolley, A.W.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
The effect of firm size, asset ownership, and market prices on regulatory violations
Scott, A., Gilbert Nyaga
Journal of Operations Management
The Effect of Hospital-Physician Integration on Operational Performance: Evaluating Physician Employment in Cardiology Operating Units
Zepeda, E.M., Gilbert Nyaga, Young, G.
Decision Sciences
Sustainable Supply Chains in the Age of AI and Digitization: Research Challenges and Opportunities
Nada R. Sanders, Ganeshan, R., Boone, T., Wood, J.
Journal of Business Logistics
A Risk-Based Approach for Mitigating Ethical Lapses
Adenekan Dedeke
Electronic Journal of Business Ethics and Organization Studies
Contrasting Cybersecurity Implementation Frameworks (CIF) from Three Countries
Adenekan Dedeke, Masterson, K.
Information and Computer Security
Medical Crowdsourcing: Harnesing the “Wisdom of the Crowd” to Solve Medical Mysteries
Yang Lee
Journal of the Association of Information Systems
Building and Sustaining University Supply Chain Management Programs
Robert Lieb
Supply Chain Management Review
Drones, Storage Lockers, Autonomous Vehicles and National Security
Robert Lieb
Supply Chain Management Review
Determining the optimal collection period for returned products in a stochastic environment
Nizar Zaarour, Melachrinoudis, E., Kapadia, S., Min, H.
International Journal Logistics Systems and Management
Can Google Trends Improve Your Sales Forecast?
Boone, T., Ganeshan, R., Nada R. Sanders
Production and Operations Management
In Press
The Signaling Effect of CEOs' Stock and Option Grants on Suppliers
Tiantian Gu, Nada R. Sanders, Anand Venkateswaran
Production and Operations Management
In Press
Perspectives on Supply Chain Forecasting
Boone, T., Boylan, J. E., Ganeshan, R., Nada R. Sanders
International Journal of Forecasting
Forecasting Sales in the Supply Chain: Consumer Analytics in the Big Data Era
Nada R. Sanders, Boone, T., Ganeshan, R., Jain, A.
International Journal of Forecasting
Operating Performance Effects of Service Quality and Environmental Sustainability Awards In Logistics
Garcia-Dastugue, S., Cuneyt Eroglu
Journal of Supply Chain Management
Using the Pack-And-A-Half Rule to Eliminate Backroom Inventories in Retail Operations
Cuneyt Eroglu, Williams, B. D., Waller, M. A.
Journal of Business Logistics
Learning from Mixed Signals in Online Innovation Communities
Christoph Riedl, Seidel, V.
Organization Science
Big Data in Supply Chain Management
Nada R. Sanders, Ganeshan, R.
Production and Operations Management
Introduction to the Special Issue on Perspectives on Big Data
Signal, K., Fen, Q., Ganeshan, R., Nada R. Sanders, Shantikumar, G.
Production and Operations Management
Stock Market Reaction to Quality, Safety, and Sustainability Awards in Logistics
Cuneyt Eroglu, Kurt, A., Elwakil, O. S.
Journal of Business Logistics
3PL CEO Perspectives on the Current Status and Future Prospects of the Third Party Logistics Industry in North America: The 2014 Survey
Robert C. Lieb, Lieb, K. J.
Transportation Journal
Supply Chain Risk Management and Hospital Inventory: Effects of System Affiliation
E. David Zepeda, Gilbert N. Nyaga, Gary J. Young
Journal of Operations Management
Rate or Trade? Identifying Winning Ideas in Open Idea Sourcing
Blohm, I., Christoph Riedl, Fueller, J., Leimeister, J. M.
Information Systems Research
Looking Across and Looking Beyond the Knowledge Frontier: Intellectual Distance and Resource Allocation in Science
Boudreau, K., Guinan, E., Lakhani, K., Christoph Riedl
Management Science
Interdisciplinary Research (IDR) in SCM: Through the Lens of the Behavioral Theory of the Firm (BTF)
Nada R. Sanders, Zacharia, Z., Fugate, B.
Journal of Business Logistics
How to Use Big Data to Drive Your Supply Chain
Nada R. Sanders
California Management Review
Maximizing revenue of end of life items in retail stores
Nizar Zaarour, Melachrinoudis, E., Solomon, M.
European Journal of Operational Research
Towards and Effective Design of Behavioral Health Care Delivery: An Empirical Analysis of Care for Depression
E. David Zepeda, Sinha, K. K.
Production and Operations Management
New Books
Fundamentals of Sustainable Business, 2nd edition
Nada R. Sanders, Wood, J.D.
John Wiley & Sons
The Humachine: Humankind, Machines and the Future of Enterprise
Nada R. Sanders, Wood, J.D.
Forecasting Fundamentals
Nada R. Sanders
Business Expert Press
Recognized as leaders in the fields of supply chain and information management, our distinguished faculty serve in a number of key editorial positions on academic journals, university presses and other scholarly outlets.
Academy of Management Discoveries: Christoph Riedl, Editorial Board Member
Decision Sciences Journal: Nada Sanders, Associate Editor
Information and Management: Yang Lee, Editorial Board Member
Information System Research: Yang Lee, Associate Editor
Information, Organization, and Society: Yang Lee, Editor
INFORMS Analytics Selects Committee: Nada Sanders, Editorial Board Member
International Conference of Information Systems: Yang Lee, Associate Editor
International Journal of Forecasting: Nada Sanders, Associate Editor
International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management: Gilbert Nyaga, Editorial Board Member
Journal of Business Logistics: Nada Sanders, Associate Editor; Cuneyt Eroglu, Editorial Board Member; Gilbert Nyaga, Editorial Board Member
Journal of Dababase Managment: Yang Lee, Editorial Board Member
Journal of Operations Management: Cuneyt Eroglu, Editorial Board Member
MIS Quarterly: Yang Lee, Editor
Organization Science: Christoph Riedl, Editorial Board Member
Production and Operations Management: Cuneyt Eroglu, Editorial Board Member
Nada Sanders: President-Elect, Production and Operations Management Society
Christoph Riedl: Named German Research Foundation Post-Doctoral Fellow
Christoph Riedl: INFORMS TIMES Best Paper Award, runner-up, 2021
Christoph Riedl, Christer Karlsson: Best Paper Award of the Innovation and Product Development Management Conference, 2021