
“The combination of my clinical knowledge and business skills opens a lot of doors for me, especially in the healthcare service and biotech/pharmaceutical industry,” says Elizabeth Sally Thomas, Full-Time MBA‘21

“Many other business programs tend to attract people from similar backgrounds. But with D'Amore-McKim, students don't just have finance backgrounds—they're people who've worked with nonprofits, with hospitals, or even the U.S. Army. Everyone here is so different. I think that really helped make me feel at home,” said Y-Lan Nguyen, Full-Time MBA‘21

“If you're going into a new industry like I am, don't be afraid of being uncomfortable because that's a part of the process.” says Irina Zolotnitskaya, MBA'21

“The 360 Huntington Fund was one of the reasons I was so excited to come back to Northeastern. I thought it would be a great opportunity to apply the finance knowledge I was learning in the real world, and that has certainly been true,” says Connor Smith-Subecz MBA'21

“Northeastern MBA residents are always prepared and professional—they speak the right language. They're self-starters; I can trust that if I give them an assignment, they're going to go figure it out,” said Bill Forbes, Senior Director of Global Supply Chain at Raytheon

“When you hire externally, there's always a risk. But with Northeastern residents, we already know the quality of their work and the caliber of their education. We've challenged them, pressure-tested them, and given them tough assignments over six months on corporate residency, and found out where their strengths and weaknesses are. It just makes so much sense to hire them, and it makes for a smooth transition.”

“Our Northeastern residents give us agility and flexibility that ultimately results in cost and time savings.” says Sue McPoland, former Director of Global Consumer Insights

“We need the right people, so that's where we turn to our Northeastern residents…They're involved in all phases and they get the complete experience of seeing a project through from start to finish.”

“I chose this program for two main reasons—the corporate residency and the university's excellent veterans' services. When I began as an undergraduate, I struggled to adjust to civilian life. The strong veteran community was, more than anything else, what got me through.” says John McGuinness, MBA‘21

“This experience opened my mind to how people learn and operate differently. This is an important skill for someone like me who wants to become a leader in a smaller company.” Says Khuzema Khairullah, MBA'21