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Dunton Family Dean David De Cremer, renowned for his work at the intersection of business and technology, will help the committee ready business schools for digital transformation.

The Center for Emerging Markets is supported by a generous gift from Venkat and Pratima Srinivasan that allows Northeastern University students to pursue innovative projects that addresses pressing problems in emerging markets. This fall, CEM awarded seven grants to students to pursue projects around the world.

E&I Professor Samina Karim's work on how firms use acquisitions to achieve long-term business reconfiguration has garnered her a top prize from the Strategic Management Journal.

The Vivek and Vandana Sharma's gift to CEM has provided seed funding to Nishith Prakash, Professor of Public Policy and Economics in the College of Social Studies and Humanities and CEM Faculty Fellow, to pursue an innovative research project in India.

The Academy of Management (AOM), the preeminent professional association for management and organization scholars, recently hosted its annual conference in Boston. As part of the event, several awards were announced for journal authors, reviewers, and symposium conductors across its six journals and 26 divisions and interest groups. The D'Amore-McKim community fared well in these results, with five faculty and staff among those recognized.

The Academy of Management has recognized the Huang and her co-author's piece examining gender based venture capital bias.

Each year the D'Amore-McKim School of Business honors a select group of business students who have demonstrated excellence on co-op.

Twelve D'Amore-McKim students and alumni win 2023 Women Who Empower Innovator Awards.

Brittany Chambers DMSB'13, and Pabel Martinez SSH'13 reflect on how Northeastern University's Ujima Scholars program has positively impacted their lives.

22 D'Amore-McKim students named to this year's Huntington 100 list.