In the ever-evolving landscape of venture capital, few figures stand as prominently as Miles Dotson. A seasoned entrepreneur, product manager, and author, Dotson's journey has been nothing short of extraordinary. With over 20 companies to his credit and an illustrious career in technology development, he is a beacon for innovation in the modern age. He is a partner at the firm, Devland which can be found at

Dotson's educational background, a degree in Audio Electrical Engineering from the University of Miami, coupled with his tenure as a visiting researcher at the University of Rochester, offers a unique blend of technical prowess and innovative thinking. His dedication to fostering technology creation through alternative funding models, corporate innovation engagement, and applied R&D is truly commendable.


  • Electrical Engineering BSEE, University of Miami, Coral Gables, FL
  • Visiting Researcher in Audio Engineering, University of Rochester