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Chris Moss, DMSB'17, enrolled at Northeastern University in 2012 with a dream to become an entrepreneur. By the time he graduated, Moss was CEO of his own company.

Abby Titcomb, E'18, created the safety app Knightly after being inspired by an end of class project required in “Innovation!” a crash course in rapid innovation, design and development taught by Professor Tucker Marion of the D'Amore-McKim School of Business.

“My biggest take away is that you can still learn every day,” says Kearns, “I have been in public accounting for almost 20 years and the program was still very challenging.”

“D'Amore-McKim has helped me develop a “big picture” outlook, and aided me in seeing business as a collaborative effort,” says Murray.

“The support of the faculty, along with the scheduling flexibility post corporate residency, allowed me to accelerate achieving both degrees while working in just two years,” says Kevin Wilkins, MSF/MBA.

Seema and Suraj Korumilli co-founded Literacy Movement 4 More in 2013, a nonprofit aimed at promoting literacy through the creation of libraries and the donation of laptops and other school supplies. With a goal of “changing lives one library at a time,” the two have since opened seven libraries around the world.

The D'Amore-McKim School of Business recently held the 8th annual Northeastern University Consortium for Undergraduate International Business Education (CUIBE) case competition. Sixty-four students from 16 institutions, including D'Amore-McKim, participated.

Northeastern University's Student-Run Venture Accelerator, IDEA, was recently named a Bostinno 50 on Fire winner at the media company's annual event. Four winners, including IDEA, were selected out of the 14 nominees in the education arena.

“The professors are captivating, they go beyond just teaching you the syllabus. Classes at D'Amore-McKim are like nothing I have ever experienced before. Not only do we learn things from the professor but they continually engage students in the conversation so that we all learn from each other as well” says Dyduch.

Kaan Donmez, DMSB'18, is taking over our Instagram account this week, reflecting on his co-op and student-life experiences during the last five years. Kaan moved to the U.S. during high school and has been on his quest for the American dream ever since. He is currently on co-op in Silicon Valley, California. Read more about Donmez here and be sure to follow @damoremckim Instagram beginning Monday, September 25, for a close-up look at his life at D'Amore-McKim.