Why PlusOne MS in International Management?

Thanks to PlusOne, you can get a jump start on your MS in International Management at the D'Amore-McKim School of Business. It's a fast-paced program that attracts energetic and dynamic professionals with a global mindset.

  • Start Early 1st graduate classes start in the fall of your senior year. There are several prerequisites that must be completed before this.
  • Learn from Distinguished Faculty – An opportunity to learn from one of the world's largest and most decorated collections of international business and strategy scholars. Thought leaders in global leadership, strategic management, and emerging market strategies.

Program details

After completing your bachelor's degree, which will include completing graduate credits that will double count toward both degrees, the MS in International Management requires another 15 credits of graduate coursework in International Management.

Careful curriculum planning with your undergraduate academic advisor is essential to ensure you're eligible and ready to start your masters-level coursework in the fall. This program is open to BS in International Business or BS in Business Administration students only.

Application requirements


minimum cumulative GPA


minimum GPA in the following courses:

  • ACCT 1201/2/9
  • MKTG 2201
  • FINA 2201/2/9
  • ORGB 3201/2/9


successfully completed 6-month co-ops

Application Deadline: Feb. 1 is recommended; alternative deadlines are Nov. 9 and Mar. 21. It is mandatory to meet with your advisor before submitting an application.

Getting started

The key is planning ahead. Starting the conversation with your undergraduate advisor ensures you can map out your classes so that it fits your schedule seamlessly. Together, you'll review the application requirements and select appropriate classes to take full advantage of this opportunity.


Undergraduate prerequisites

ACCT 1201Financial Accounting and Reporting
MKTG 2201Introduction to Marketing
FINA 2201Financial Management
ORGB 3201Organizational Behavior

Credit sharing coursework

INNO 6200Enterprise Growth & Innovation
INTB 6200Managing the Global Enterprise
INTB 6226Becoming a Global Leader
Graduate business elective
Graduate business elective
Possible graduate business electives for Fall term senior year
ENTR 6214Social Enterprise
ENTR 6241Entrepreneurial Marketing and Selling
FINA 6204International Finance Management
INNO 6212Business Planning for New Ventures
INNO 6225Acquisitions, Alliances, and Growth
SCHM 6213Global Supply Chain
MKTG 6212International Marketing
STRT 6210Workforce Metrics and Analytics
Graduate business elective
Graduate business elective
Graduate business elective
Choose one of the following:
INTB 6224Competing to Win in Emerging Markets
INTB 6249Digitization of International Business
INTB 6260Advanced Topics in Global Management & Strategy

The sample curriculum listed above is subject to change. Not all courses are offered every term. You are encouraged to work closely with your academic advisors to plan your schedule. You are advised to avoid taking FINA 4320, MKTG 4512 and SCHM 3301 at the undergraduate level. You may be able to apply FINA 6204, SCHM 6213, INNO 6214, MKTG 6212 or graduate business courses towards their undergraduate concentrations, depending on course availability. In you complete INTB 1203 or INTB 2202, you cannot enroll in INTB 6200 and must select an INTB elective. If you complete MGMT 4410, you cannot enroll in STRT 6210 and must select an INTB elective.

Meet our students


Building a network for career success

“One huge benefit of studying at Northeastern is the support you receive in developing your professional network. The networking opportunities have helped me feel prepared to enter the professional world.”
Karan Kwatra, PlusOne MSIM‘22
MS in International Management Portrait

Building the skills to realize her dream of working at the UN

“I have always known that I want to work for the United Nations. It has been something I have been working to achieve since I first learned about the organization in my early high school years. My time at Northeastern and the Northeastern experience was vital to my ability to achieve that opportunity. I now work for the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees.”
Tamara Al-Homsi, BSBA'20, MSIM‘21

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