Coaching Sessions

  • The Global ACE leverages the broad range of talent available at Northeastern University to create synergies between the D'amore-Mckim School of Business and Bouve College of Health Sciences. Highly skilled and credentialed members of the Department of Counseling and Applied Educational Psychology partner with the Global ACE program to provide participants with a detailed review of each participant's performance.
  • Each of these review sessions, dubbed coaching sessions because of the detailed feedback and guidance each participant receives, takes place roughly a week after the assessment center. A highly trained behavioral specialist will take the participant line by line through the report, providing any and all explanations where needed. The behavioral specialist will also guide the student in taking the next steps in order to establish attainable goals for further improvement of their leadership abilities.
  • Such coaching sessions outside of the program could cost over $100 per hour with the specialist – but the Global ACE offers this service FREE of charge to every participant. We have spent large amounts of time training our behavioral specialists to provide feedback that goes above and beyond industry standards – all for one important reason: Global ACE recognizes the value of combining qualitative alongside quantitative feedback in order to ensure that our participants gain the most possible after our program.

Feedback Reports

Typically, a student receives about 75 pages of detailed analysis. In addition to fine-grained feedback about their performance on the written and behavioral portions of the assessment center, they also receive information about their personality traits, their critical thinking capabilities, their preferred style for resolving conflicts and their profile for handling intercultural situations. Counseling specialists then meet individually with participants in one-on-one coaching sessions to discuss the results and explore the creation of a personal development plan that the participant can use to further enhance leadership capabilities.