
  • PhD, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  • MCP, Seoul National University (summa cum laude)
  • BS Engineering, Han Yang University (summa cum laude)

Selected Publications

  • Zhu, H., Madnick, S., Lee, Y., Wang, R. (2013). Data and Information Quality Research: Its Evolution and Future. Chapman & Hall.
  • Lee, Y., Chang, J., Moulton, A., Madnick, S. (2012). Data Products and Life Cycles. IQ workshop.
  • Lee, Y. (2012). On the Rise of CDOs in the World of Big Data. MISQE/SIM workshop.
  • Lassk, F., Lee, Y. (2012). Cultural Intelligence and Emotional Intelligence in External and Internal Sales Relationships. Academy of Marketing Science.
  • Lee, Y. (2011). Classification and Assessment of Large Amount of Data: Examples in Healthcare Industry and Collaborative Digital Libraries. ACM Journal of Data and Information Quality.

Selected Presentations

  • Lassk, Felicia, Lee, Yang, DMSB Research Showcase, “Medication Mediation: A Smart Service Innovation”, DMSB, Boston, MA, (October 31, 2013).
  • Lee, Yang, SIM research, “Succeeding in a World of Big Data”, APC, Philadelphia, (October 8, 2013).
  • Lee, Yang, Information Quality, “Three Faces of Information Quality Practice”, GoogleUK and UNESCO, Hatfield, UK, (December 2012).
  • Lee, Yang, Jack Chang, Allen Moulton, Stuart Madnick, Quality Information, Organizations, and Society, “Data Products and Life Cycles”, AIS, Orlando, Florida, (December 2012).
  • Lassk, Felicia (Presenter & Author), Lee, Yang (Author Only), Academy of Marketing Science 2012, “Cultural Intelligence and Emotional Intelligence in External and Internal Sales Relationships”, AMS, New Orleans, LA, (May 18, 2012).

Research & Teaching Interests

Lee's research areas include data and information quality; IT-mediated institutional learning and problem-solving; systems and data integration; enterprise architecture; and healthcare information and medical errors. She has taught Information Quality courses for honors students (“Information Quality: Technology and Philosophy”) and MBA students (“Information Quality for Global Managers”), and various MIS courses, such as, “Telecommunications and Networks,” “Information Resource Management” for MBA and undergraduate students at Northeastern University. She has also taught “eIntegration: Strategy, Technology, and Organizations” for MBA and undergraduate students at MIT, and various Information Quality courses for executives at MIT, UC Berkeley, and at many other institutions globally.

Industry & Academic Experience

Lee was a visiting assistant professor at MIT. She was Associate Director of Total Data Quality Program at MIT, and Research Associate at MIT. She was a co-founder of the International Conference on Information Quality (ICIQ) and the Cambridge Research Group. Lee has provided consultation for many companies and agencies in private and public sectors in the US and internationally for over 20 years. Many concepts, frameworks, techniques, and software applications produced from her research and industry practice over years are used and applied in practice.

Services to the Profession

Lee is a founding and current editor-in chief for the ACM Journal of Data and Information Quality. She is on editorial board of Journal of Database Management, Information and Management and a reviewer for leading journals in the MIS area. She has served as conference chair, program chair, track chair, session chair for many conferences in information systems area. Currently, she is also an adviser for PhD and Graduate Program in Information Quality at University of Arkansas, Little Rock.

Awards & Recognition

  • Yang Lee is the recipient of the prestigious 2012 Academic Achievement Award, the 2012 Data Management Hall of Famer, from the Data Management Association International (DAMAI) for her theoretical contribution and work as a thought leader in the field of Data Quality.
  • Tier 1 Grant funding awarded by Northeastern University Provost Office for the 2012-2013 academic year. Yang Lee, Felicia Lassk, and Carole Kenner Healthcare Collaboration: How collaborate to deliver patient-centered care in an information intensive environment.
  • Distinguished Invited Research Fellow, National Cancer Institute/National Institute of Health, (June 25, 2008).