
  • JD, PhD, State University of New York at Buffalo

Selected Publications

  • Young, G. “Federal Tax Exemption Requirements for Joint Ventures Between Nonprofit Hospital Providers and For-Profit Entities: Form Over Substance?” Annals of Health Law, 2004; 13: 327-364.
  • Young, G., H. Beckman and E. Baker. “Financial Incentives, Professional Values and Performance: A Study of Pay-for-Performance in a Professional Organization” Journal of Organizational Behavior, 2012; 33: 964-983.
  • Young, G., C. Chou, J. Alexander, S, Lee and E. Raver. “Provision of Community Benefits by Tax Exempt U.S. Hospitals” New England Journal of Medicine (Special Article), 2013; 368: 1519–1527.
  • The Healthcare Professional Workforce: Understanding Human Capital in a Changing Industry (Eds. Gary Young, Northeastern University; Tim Hoff, Northeastern University; Kathleen Sutcliffe, Johns Hopkins University), Oxford University Press, 2016.
  • Zepeda, D., G. Nyaga, and G. Young. “Supply Chain Risk Management and Hospital Inventory: Effects of System Affiliation” Journal of Operations Management, 2016; 44: 30-47.
  • Young, G, D. Zepeda, S. Flaherty and *N. Thai. “Hospital Employment of Physicians in Massachusetts is Associated with Inappropriate Diagnostic Imaging” Health Affairs, 2021; 40: 710 — 718.

Selected Presentations

  • Provision of Community Benefits by Tax-Exempt Hospitals. National Health Policy Forum. Washington, D.C., April 2013.
  • Hospitals in the Post-ACA Era: Impacts and Responses. New England States Consortium Systems Organization (consortium of state policy makers focusing on health policy issues), Portsmouth, New Hampshire, October 2016.
  • “Performance Measurement and the Limits of Provider Accountability” keynote presentation for the annual meeting of the Italian Health Economics Association, Naples Italy, September 2018.
  • “In Pursuit of Better Quality of Care: The U.S. Journey” Centre for Research on Health and Social Care Management, Bocconi University, March 2018.
  • “Promoting COVID-19 Recovery and Future Resilience in Community-Based Healthcare Delivery Systems,” US Department of Homeland Security COVID-19 Recovery Taskforce, May 2020.

Research & Teaching Interests

Research and teaching interests include strategic management, organization behavior, health policy, health care management, and health law.

Industry & Academic Experience

  • Attorney, U.S. Government (served on interagency task force investigating various issues pertaining to health care industry including antitrust, tax, and fraud and abuse. 1989 – 1991.
  • Senior Associate, Lewin Group, 1919 — 1993.
  • Chair, Department of Health Policy and Management, Boston University, 2005 — 2010.

Services to the Profession

  • Internal Revenue Service, Advisory Committee on Tax Exempt and Government Entities (ACT) (this is an appointment by the US Secretary of the Treasury to a congressionally mandated advisory committee to advise the IRS on policy issues. 2012 – 2015.
  • National Quality Forum, member of expert panel for exploring approaches to combining cost measures with clinical quality measures to improve cost-effectiveness of care. 2014.
  • The National Academies of Science, Engineering and Medicine, member of expert panel addressing the readiness of private-sector health care providers for threats to the public's health and national security. 2019.
  • Lown Institute Best Hospitals Metrics Advisory Committee, January 2020 – present.
  • U.S. Homeland Security Agency, (Federal Emergency Management Agency) Coronavirus Disease19 Region 1 Recovery Task Force (April 2020 – present).
  • Member of Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services' Health Care Quality and Effectiveness Research Study Section, 2003 — 2006. 
  • Pharmacy Quality Alliance, member of Quality Metrics Expert Panel. 2011 – 2015. 
  • Care Quality Commission (CQC — agency within the National Health Service of England, responsible for overseeing quality of care), advisor to the CQC on a strategic reorganization initiative, 2016. 

Awards & Recognition

  • Best Paper Award from the Health Care Management Division, Academy of Management, for paper “Patterns of Coordination and Clinical Outcomes: A Study of Surgical Services” (with M. Charns, K. Desai, J. Daley, M. Forbes and S. Khuri), sponsored by the American College of Healthcare Executives. 1997.
  • Co-winner of John D. Thompson Prize for Young Investigators, sponsored by the Association of University Programs in Health Administration (AUPHA). 1998.
  • Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Investigator Award in Health Policy Research: to develop new theory and related research on the application of the pay-for-performance concept to the healthcare industry. 2007 — 2009.
  • Edgar C. Hayhow “Article of the Year” Award, American College of Healthcare Executives. For article entitled: “Impact of ACA Medicaid Expansion on Hospital Finances” (with S. Flaherty, E. Zepeda, S. Singh and S. Rosenbaum) Journal of Healthcare Management. 2020