
Last Jan­uary, Carlos Vil­lalobos picked up and moved to San Fran­cisco to work on co-​​op as a dig­ital mar­keting spe­cialist for Adobe Sys­tems, the multi­na­tional com­puter soft­ware com­pany.

Students apply leadership strategies from a chaotic Civil War battle to modern business.

Student-consultants help small businesses thrive.

When he reflects on his per­sonal and pro­fes­sional growth in North­eastern University's Torch Scholar Pro­gram, two words always come to Shaun Hamilton's mind: oppor­tu­nity and transformation.

North­eastern hon­ored a group of extra­or­di­nary seniors on Thursday after­noon at the Coop­er­a­tive Edu­ca­tion Awards, an annual cer­e­mony high­lighting stu­dents who've demon­strated out­standing accom­plish­ments on their co-​​op expe­ri­ences across the globe.

North­eastern Uni­ver­sity has launched a one-​​year, part-​​time grad­uate pro­gram aimed at teaching working pro­fes­sionals how to infuse inno­va­tion into the DNA of their organizations.

Northeastern's newest “Hunt­ington 100,” a group of extra­or­di­nary stu­dents selected for their impres­sive achieve­ments and impact both on campus and around the world, was hon­ored last week at a recep­tion with uni­ver­sity leaders, fac­ulty, and staff.

A look at the Frontier Market Scouts (FMS) at the Social Enterprise Institute at the D'Amore-McKim School of Business.

More than 40 ventures showcased their work at NEXPO, Northeastern's bi-annual entrepreneurship expo.

Some stu­dents arrive on campus with a thriving entre­pre­neurial spirit, eager to soak up knowl­edge and seek out new oppor­tu­ni­ties to learn and make a lasting impact.