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Professors Bruce Clark and Barbara Larson led an insightful exploration into the use of AI in the classroom.

With the global economy facing unprecedented uncertainty and geopolitical tension, D'Amore-McKim faculty share insights gleamed from our second “Beyond Boundaries” event focused on effective global leadership.

‘How technology influences behavior, and how behavior influences technology' is the mantra for D'Amore-McKim's newest management course.

Selected as a Top 5 Business Leadership book, the ‘AI Savvy Leader' is credited with transforming how organizations lead, educators teach, and communities grow.

“The AI Strategic Hub allows students to work closely with business professors on practice-focused research projects using data analytics and machine learning. This collaboration has provided invaluable connections and insights, significantly shaping my journey in AI by demonstrating how to use AI tools to streamline research tasks.” – Atharva Rotkar, MSBA'24

Thinkers and leaders gathered on the Boston campus to consider how collective intelligence can solve big problems.

As AI continues to reshape the landscape of business and education, leadership plays a crucial role in steering this transformation. In the following article, D'Amore-McKim faculty offer insights from the first “Beyond Boundaries” event, exploring how leaders can effectively guide AI's integration from classrooms to boardrooms.

Associate Dean of Research Koen Pauwels has been recognized as one of RETHINK Retail's Top AI Leaders for 2024 for his pioneering work in marketing analytics and big data, placing him among global leaders driving AI innovation in the retail sector.

Dunton Family Dean, David De Cremer, shares expert opinions on the importance of adopting AI in the workplace.

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