The Management of the Multinational Firm: Stakeholders and Strategies
Presented by Laszlo Tihanyi, B. Marie Oth Professor in Business Administration, Texas A&M University.
Tarred By the Same Brush? Firms Responses to National Government's International Investments
Presentation by Gurneeta Vasudeva Singh, Assistant Professor, Strategic Management and Entrepreneurship, Carlson School of Management.
Tweeting Under Pressure: Analyzing Trending Topics and Evolving Word Choice on Sina Weibo
Presented by Christo Wilson, Assistant Professor, College of Computer Science, Northeastern University. In this study, Prof. Christo and Colleagues examine how censorship impacts discussions on Weibo (China's Twitter) and how users adapt to avoid censorship.
Go Out, But Where? Examining the Informational Role of Inward FDI in Location Choices of Emerging Market Firms' Outward FDI
Presented by Yan Zhang (Anthea), Ph.D., Professor of Strategic Management, Area Coordinator, Strategy and Environment Group, Jesse H. Jones Graduate School of Business, Rice University.
CEM Distinguished Scholar series - Sustaining national interest in a world of globalizing MNEs
Presentation by Yair Aharoni, Professor Emeritus Tel Aviv University.
Innovation paradox of returnees: Evidence from China’s high technology industries.
Presented by Dr. Haiyang Li, Associate Professor, Jesse H. Jones Graduate School of Business Rice University.
Talent Management in the BRICs
Presented by Paula Caligiuri, Distinguished Professor of International Business and Strategy, Northeastern University.
Learning through multinationalization
Presented by Yingying Zhang, Associate Professor of Strategy an International Business at CUNEF (Complutense University of Madrid) and Visiting Scholar at Center for Emerging Markets.
Sovereign Wealth Funds in Emerging Markets
Presented by Patrick Schena, Co-Head, Fletcher Network for Sovereign Wealth and Global Capital, Fletcher School, Tufts University.
Trickle-up innovation
Presented by Miguel Montoya, Dean of the Graduate School of Monterrey Tec in Guadalajara.