Join MS Career Planning Program Manager, Jessica Medeiros, for an informal career clinic to help perfect your elevator pitch. Elevator pitches are a key networking tool that should be a succinct description of your skills, education, and experience that you can discuss naturally in conversation. You will use it whenever you meet someone new in a professional context. 

Opportunities at this clinic: 

  • Receive tips for creating your own elevator pitch. 
  • Practice and receive feedback on your developed elevator pitch. 
  • Learn to make a positive and impactful first impression
  • Ask any questions that you have related to your pitch. 


Jessica Medeiros is a career planning program manager at D'Amore-McKim's Graduate Career Center. Jessica serves as a career coach and advisor for master's degree candidates and alumni. She helps master's degree candidates polish their resumes, improve their job search and networking strategies, and hone their interview techniques, as they seek internships and full-time employment opportunities. Jessica forges mentorship connections between students, alumni, and Northeastern's multitude of corporate partners.

Jessica also teaches a career management course for full-time students in the MS in Finance program. The course provides students with tools to manage their careers and job searches. She works closely with international students as well, helping them prepare for employment in the U.S. Students develop a personal career search strategy, build a strong professional network, and meet with our employer partners to hear their insider insights.

Jessica has dedicated her career to helping students successfully navigate their career paths. Before coming to the D'Amore-McKim Graduate Career Center, she was first an academic and career advisor for Northeastern University's College of Professional Studies undergraduate students. She previously held positions as a career advisor and job placement specialist, as well as a transition to college instructor and integration coach for United South End Settlements.