
The marketing campaign for the movie Anchorman 2: The Legend Continues ranges from social media outreach to television appearances by character Ron Burgundy. The strategy is innovative, if not somewhat limited in its ability to be replicated, says Bruce Clark, an associate professor of marketing.

When Northeastern students fly to South Africa as part of the university's Dialogue of Civilizations program, they form consulting teams help small businesses thrive.

There could be many advantages to being a millennial when searching for a job in the current market.

A recent study by two North­eastern Uni­ver­sity researchers sug­gests that the pay dif­fer­en­tial between CEOs and reg­ular workers does not neg­a­tively affect the bottom line.

Exciting new ven­tures, pow­erful advice for young inno­va­tors, and the down-​​low on Northeastern's range of resources for entre­pre­neurs were all on dis­play last week during Global Entre­pre­neur­ship Week.

A score of North­eastern inno­va­tors and entre­pre­neurs show­cased their ven­tures and inno­v­a­tive prod­ucts at two major campus events during Global Entre­pre­neur­ship Week.

Northeastern is developing new ways for people to produce more sustainable large scale industrial systems by changing how we think about and study consumer industrial economies.

From advo­cating for bud­ding star­tups to his work in the North­eastern Entre­pre­neur­ship Club, Cory Bolotsky has hit his stride in and out of the university's entre­pre­neurial ecosystem.

The Affordable Healthcare Act may stave off some of the overarching problems for the nation on healthcare, but Ravi Ramamurti and Vijay Govindarahan speak to the “the biggest challenge facing U.S. health care.”

The U.S. healthcare system is robust and technologically evolving. However, it is unstable due to the continued cost of doing business.