- PhD Organization and Human Resources State University of New York at Buffalo
- MBA, The University of Kansas
- MA Industrial and Organizational Psychology, The University of Kansas
- BA Psychology, California State University, Fresno
Selected Publications
- Huselid, M.A. 2018. The science and practice of workforce analytics: Introduction to the HRM Special Issue. Human Resource Management, 27, 679-684.
- Huselid, M., and Minbaeva, D. 2019. Big Data and Human Resource Management. In The Sage Handbook of Human Resource Management (2nd Edition). Adrian Wilkinson, Nick Bacon, Dave Lepak, and Scott Snell (Eds).
- Huselid, M. 2015. Workforce Analytics for Strategy Execution. In Ulrich, D., Schiemann, W.A., and Sartain, L. (Eds.) The Rise of HR: Wisdom from 72 HR Thought Leaders. Human Resource Certification Institute, Pages 309-316.
- Huselid, M. A., & Becker, B. E. (2010). Bridging micro and macro domains: Workforce differentiation and strategic human resource management. Journal of Management.
- Becker, B. E., Huselid, M. A., & Beatty, R. W. (2009). The differentiated workforce: Transforming talent into strategic impact. Harvard Business Press.
- Huselid, M. A., Becker, B. E., & Beatty, R. W. (2005). The workforce scorecard: Managing human capital to execute strategy. Harvard Business Review Press.
- Huselid, M. A., Beatty, R. W., & Becker, B. E. (2005). ‘A players' or ‘A positions'? Harvard Business Review, 83(12), 110-117.
Selected Presentations
- Huselid, M.A. and Minbaeva, D. Addressing HR Analytics Challenges: Combining Academic and Practitioner Research. Academy of Management Annual Conference. August, 2019.
- Huselid, M.A. Using corporate encounters to facilitate idea and data generation. HRM Division Doctoral Consortium, Academy of Management Annual Conference. August, 2019.
- Huselid, M.A. Workforce Analytics: The Promise and the Potential. Human Resource Policy Institute Annual Conference. Keynote Speaker. Boston, MA: October, 2018.
- Huselid, M.A. Strategic Human Resources and Workforce Analytics. Charlotte Business Journal and DMSB-Charlotte Executive Event. Charlotte, NC, May, 2018.
- Huselid, M.A. Workplace and Talent Analytics. National Academy of Human Resources Chief Human Resources Officer Academy. New York, NY, June, 2017.
- Huselid, M.A. Driving Strategy Through Workforce Analytics. Copenhagen Business School, Mini-Conference on Human Capital Analytics. Copenhagen, DK: October 12, 2016.
- Huselid, M.A. Keynote Speaker. Better Talent Management Through Workforce Analytics. SHRM Foundation Thought Leaders Annual Conference. Seattle, WA: September, 2016 .
- Huselid, M.A. (Presenter and Co-organizer). Teaching Workforce Analytics. Academy of Management Annual Conference. August, 2016.
Research & Teaching Interests
Huselid's current academic research and consulting activities focus on the linkages between HR management systems, corporate strategy, and firm performance. In addition, he also has an active research and consulting program focused on the development of balanced measurement systems to reflect the contribution of the workforce, workforce management systems, and the HR management function to business success. He has published numerous articles on these topics in outlets such as the Academy of Management Journal, Administrative Science Quarterly, Harvard Business Review, Human Resource Management Journal, Human Resource Planning, Industrial Relations, Journal of Applied Psychology, Journal of Management, Organizational Dynamics, Personnel Psychology, and Research in Personnel and Human Resource Management.
Industry & Academic Experience
Prior to joining Northeastern, Huselid was Distinguished Professor of HR Strategy in the School of Management and Labor Relations (SMLR) at Rutgers University. He was also the Editor of the Human Resource Management Journal from 2000 – 2004, and is a current or former member of the editorial boards of numerous journals. Huselid also served on the Board of Directors of the Society for Human Resource Management Foundation from and as member of the Executive Committee of the Human Resource Management Division of the Academy of Management. He currently serves on the Board of Directors for the Founder's Affiliate of the American Heart Association.
Awards & Recognition
- Huselid is among the most frequently cited scholars in the field of management, and has authored the most frequently cited article in the history of the prestigious Academy of Management Journal (1958-2020).
- Fellow, 2017, Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP).
- Fellow, 2017, Association for Psychological Science (APS).
- Fellow, 2016, National Academy of Human Resources (NAHR).
- Recipient, 2012 SUNY Buffalo School of Management Distinguished Alumnus Award.
- Recipient, 2011 Journal of Management Best Paper Award.