Professional Experience in Academia and Industry

Academic research expertise in Corporate Finance, Household Finance, Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Corporate Finance. Academic publications in various top academic business journals and cited by media and policymakers.

Industry experience includes co-founding and running a Fintech for over 6 years with over $20 Million deployed in workforce development financing. Experienced in operations in fintech and workforce development, capital raise and deployment, and AI/ML implementation in a compliance intensive framework.

Recent areas of teaching, research, and product development include Machine Learning, LLMs, Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG), explainable AI/ML models, and multi-modal AI.


  • PhD Finance, Boston College
  • PhD Program in Finance, University of Connecticut
  • BEng (Electrical Engineering), Delhi College of Engineering, Delhi University, India

Selected Publications

  • “Knowledge Spillover and Entrepreneurship? Evidence from BITNET,” with Mine Ertugrul and Qianqian Yu, 2024, Forthcoming at Research Policy.
  • “Innovation and Product Market Value: Evidence from Brand Data,” with Mine Ertugrul, Bo Xu, and Qianqian Yu, 2023, Published online at Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis.
  • “Cross-Border LBOs, Human Capital, and Proximity: Value Addition through Monitoring in Private Equity Investments,” with Thomas J. Chemmanur and Tyler Hull, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis. 2021, 56 (3), 1023 – 1063.
  • “Top Management Quality, Corporate Innovation, and Innovator Flows,” with Thomas J. Chemmanur, Lei Kong, and Qianqian Yu. Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 2019, 54(6), 2383-2422.
  • “The Cost of Financing Education: Can Student Debt Hinder Entrepreneurship?” with Pinshuo Wang, Management Science, 2019, 65 (10), 4451-4949.
  • “Is it the Investment Bank or the Investment Banker: A Study of the Role of Investment Banker Human Capital in Acquisitions,” with Thomas J. Chemmanur and Mine Ertugrul, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 2019, 54(2), 587-627.
  • “Do Local and International Venture Capitalists Play Well Together? The Complementarity of Local and International Venture Capitalists,” with Thomas J. Chemmanur and Tyler Hull, Journal of Business Venturing, 2016, 31 (5), 573-594.
  • “Does Financing Spur Small Business Productivity? Evidence from a Natural Experiment”, with Debarshi Nandy and Manju Puri. Review of Financial Studies, 2015, 28 (6), 1768 – 1809.
  • “How Does Venture Capital Financing Improve Efficiency in Private Firms? A Look Beneath the Surface.” with Thomas J. Chemmanur and Debarshi Nandy. Review of Financial Studies, December 2011, 24 (12), 4037-4090.

Selected Presentations

  • Krishnan, Karthik (Presenter & Author), NBER conference on Changing Financing Market for Innovation & Entrepreneurship, “Do Local and International Venture Capitalists Play Well Together? International Venture Capital Investments and the Development of Venture Capital Markets.”, NBER, Half Moon Bay. (November 9, 2013).
  • Krishnan, Karthik (Presenter & Author), FIRS annual meetings, “Increased Access to Financing and Firm Productivity”, Financial Intermediation Research Society, Dubrovnik, Croatia. (June 1, 2013).
  • Krishnan, Karthik (Author Only), Society of Financial Studies (SFS) Cavalcade, “Increased Access to Financing and Firm Productivity”, Society of Financial Studies, Miami. (May 15, 2013).
  • Krishnan, Karthik, Bentley University Finance seminar series, “Expertise or Proximity? International Venture Capital Investments and the Development of Venture Capital Markets”, Bentley University, Waltham, MA. (April 26, 2013).
  • Krishnan, Karthik (Author Only), NBER conference on Productivity, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship, “Increased Access to Financing and Firm Productivity”, NBER, Cambridge, MA. (March 15, 2013).

Research & Teaching Interests

Krishnan's research focuses on Empirical Corporate Finance, Financial Intermediation, Investment Banking, Universal Banking, Securities Issuance, IPO, Venture Capital, Entrepreneurial Finance, and Corporate Governance. He has teaching interests in the areas of Corporate Finance, Investments, Financial Institutions, and Capital Markets.

Industry & Academic Experience

Prior to joining Northeastern University's D'Amore-McKim School of Business, Krishnan worked as an instructor and graduate assistant at Boston College's Carroll School of Management. In India, Krishnan worked as a management trainee in the Power Project Development at Larsen and Toubro Limited in Mumbai. He also worked as a software engineer at Mahindra British Telecom in Pune, India.

Services to the Profession

Krishnan is a member of several professional organizations, including Western Finance Association (WFA), European Finance Association (EFA), American Finance Association (AFA), Financial Management Association (FMA), and United States Association for Small Business and Entrepreneurship (USASBE). He has also worked as a reviewer for the Journal of Corporate Finance and the Journal of Economics and Business.

Awards & Recognition

  • Outstanding Corporate Finance Paper Award at the 2007 Eastern Finance Association Annual Meetings for the paper titled, “CEO Dismissal Timing and Costs of Delayed Action: Do Some Boards Act Too Late?” (co-authored with Mine Ertugrul)
  • Kauffman Doctoral Fellowship in Entrepreneurial Finance, 2006-2007 Research grant for the paper titled, “How Does Venture Capital Financing Improve Efficiency in Private Firms? A Look Beneath the Surface.” (co-authored with Thomas J. Chemmanur and Debarshi Nandy)
  • Best Doctoral Student Paper Award at the 2007 Northern Finance Association Annual Meetings for the paper titled, “Universal Banking, Private Information, and Incentive Problems: What Do Ex-Post Lending Patterns Tell Us?”