Corporate Residency

“As full-fledged consultants, corporate residents are fully immersed in projects, treated as integral team members, and entrusted with significant responsibilities. This approach provides invaluable real-world work experience with ample opportunities to collaborate closely with our CEO, team leads, and executives.”
– Camille Super, Senior Consultant at Accelare

“She seamlessly adapted to a variety of new tools and technologies, demonstrating her ability to apply her knowledge effectively and her aptitude for critical thinking, a skill honed during her time in the business program.” 

“D'Amore-McKim students' diverse backgrounds and varied skill sets enrich our team dynamic, bringing fresh perspectives and innovative approaches to problem-solving. Overall, their global mindset enhances our organization's effectiveness and adaptability to evolving challenges and opportunities.”

“The residency provides us a source of talent to hire, and it gives both the MBA student and the hiring manager the ability to get familiar with each other first to see if the relationship will be a good long-term fit. There's simply less risk for hiring a resident that we already know. This workforce development model has been a big success for my company.”

“When you hire externally, there's always a risk. But with Northeastern residents, we already know the quality of their work and the caliber of their education. We've challenged them, pressure-tested them, and given them tough assignments over six months on corporate residency, and found out where their strengths and weaknesses are. It just makes so much sense to hire them, and it makes for a smooth transition.”

“We need the right people, so that's where we turn to our Northeastern residents…They're involved in all phases and they get the complete experience of seeing a project through from start to finish.”