Q:What skills did you build at D'Amore-McKim that you will use in your future career?

A:From the first day of taking these master's level business courses, I sharpened my ability to think critically about high level problems facing different types of companies, and the impact that they have on not only the primary consumer, but further through the supply chain.

Q:Why did you choose D'Amore-McKim?

A:I chose D'Amore-McKim for its practical approach to education, and the professors that continually adhere to this core philosophy.

Q:What would you say to a prospective student considering D'Amore-McKim for their business degree?

A:To a prospective student, I would say that you should sit in on a class, and challenge a student or a professor with the question: What are you really getting from this? I think that a prospective student would be pleasantly surprised with the response.

Q:Where do you see yourself in 5 or 10 years?

A:In 5 years, I see myself as a decision maker for a logistics team.