The sky is cer­tainly the limit for Fly­tenow, a plane-​​sharing web­site launched ear­lier this year by a North­eastern stu­dent and an alumnus who will soon pitch their com­pany to some of the top investors in Sil­icon Valley.

Matt Voska, E'17, and Alan Guichard, L'14 and MBA'14, devel­oped the com­pany to pair local pilots with flight enthu­si­asts in Boston to help share the experience—and costs—of flying. Now, the co-​​founders were accepted to Y Com­bi­nator, a Sil­icon Valley-​​based seed accel­er­ator that helps star­tups raise money on a large scale.

“There are so many people that want to get that flying expe­ri­ence,” Voska explained. “And we are becoming the solu­tion to that.”

This spring, Fly­tenow received $10,000 in gap funding from IDEA, Northeastern's student-​​run ven­ture accel­er­ator. It is just the second North­eastern startup to be accepted to Y Com­bi­nator, fol­lowing WeFunder in 2013.

Voska has been in Sil­icon Valley since the end of May and Guichard joined him a couple weeks ago to con­tinue growing the busi­ness. The Y Com­bi­nator pro­gram will cul­mi­nate at a Demo Day, where star­tups present their ideas to about 500 investors.

Voska first heard about Y Com­bi­nator as a member of Northeastern's Entre­pre­neurs Club. Each week, Y Com­bi­nator hosts a dinner for the entre­pre­neurs to dis­cuss their progress and hear from well-​​known busi­ness leaders in the area including Dropbox founder Drew Houston, a Y Com­bi­nator alumnus.

When Flytenow's base of oper­a­tions for the summer moved to the San Fran­cisco area, Voska and Guichard took the oppor­tu­nity to expand their com­pany to the City by the Bay.

“When we looked at market research we learned Cal­i­fornia has one of the largest avi­a­tion com­mu­ni­ties in the country,” Voska said.

Both licensed pilots, Voska and Guichard were frus­trated that the high cost of renting a plane kept them from flying. So they came up with the idea to match pilots with flight enthu­si­asts who would share the cost.

As of this week about 75 ver­i­fied pilots and more than 5,000 flying fans have signed up on the web­site. “There are a lot of people who are really inter­ested in flying and this is the afford­able way for them to do it,” Voska said. “It makes cer­tain trips a whole lot easier.”

Flytenow's orig­inal plan focused on having pilots offer shorter excur­sions, such as a trip to Martha's Vine­yard. But after speaking to more pilots, Voska found that pilots are inter­ested in longer flights, including cross-​​country adventures.

“We've had a bunch of signups in Los Angeles, Chicago, and New York City,” Voska said. “But we want to refine our oper­a­tions in Boston and San Fran­cisco, make it easier for pilots and offer addi­tional ser­vices, and then get it out to other areas.”