Pro-market reforms and the multinationalization of developed, developing and least-developed country firms
Presented by Luis Dau, International Business and Strategy Group, College of Business Administration, Northeastern University.
Innovation in Emerging Markets
This event features, Dr. Bhaskar Chakravorti, the Senior Associate Dean and the Director of the Center for Emerging Market Enterprises at Fletcher School, Tufts University.
China's outward investment and multinational enterprises
Presented by Huaichuan Rui, Senior Lecturer in International and Comparative Business, University of London.
R&D investment dynamics in agglomerations under weak appropriability regimes: Evidence from Indian R&D labs
Presented by Anna Lamin, Assistant Professor of International Buisness, Northeastern University.
Global leadership and global mindset: Are Chinese the next global leaders?
Presented by Schon Beechler, Academic Director, Duke Corporate Education, Adjunct Professor, INSEAD and CEIBS. Hosted by Professor Allan Bird.
Competitive Advantage of Emerging Market Multinationals
This event features Peter Williamson of Cambridge University, U.K, Afonso Fleury of the University of Sao Paulo, Brazil, Maria Tereza Fleury, the Dean of FGV in Brazil and Ravi Ramamurti, Director of the Center for Emerging Markets, Northeastern University.
Which came first, the chicken or the egg? Using propensity score matching to determine causality in strategic management
Presented by Wenjie Chen, Assistant Professor, George Washington University. Hosted by Professor Alvaro Cuervo-Cazurra.
Truth Projects: Best Practices and Common Challenges
Truth Projects: Best Practices and Common Challenges with Eduardo Gonzalez, Director, Truth and Memory Project of the International Center for Translational Justice.
Third Annual Center for Emerging Markets Emerging Markets Symposium
Managing Innovation and Risk in Emerging Markets: Learn how to leverage emerging economies including India, China, Brazil, Russia and Mexico.
Board Oversight Responsibilities in International Joint Ventures
Presented by Jeff Reuer, Blake Family Endowed Chair in Strategic Management and Governance, Purdue University. Sponsored by the Center for Emerging Markets, with partial support from BIE Grant, US Department of Education and Liberty Mutual Foundation.