- Doctor of Law and Policy, Northeastern University
- Master in Public Administration, Harvard University
- Program on Negotiation, Mediation, and Conflict Management, Harvard Law School
- MBA, Northeastern University
- BA Philosophy, Providence College
Selected Publications
- Crittenden, W., Biel, I. K., Lovely, W. (2019). Embracing Digitalization: Student Learning and New Technologies. Journal of Marketing Education, Vol. 41(1) 5-14.
- Herd, A., Cumberland, D., Lovely, W., Bird, A. (2019). The Use of Assessment Center Methodology to Develop Students' Global Leadership Competencies: A conceptual framework and applied example. Advances in Global Leadership, Vol. 11, 181-202.
Selected Presentations
- Lovely, III W. A. Keynote. Leading a Purpose-Driven Life. Lexington Model United Nations. Lexington, MA. April 17, 2021.
- Lovely, III W. A. (Presenter & Author), Herd, A. (Presenter & Author), Bird, A. (Author Only), Tobias Leadership Engagement & Discovery Conference, “Developing Students' Global Leadership Competencies Using Assessment Center Methodology: A Learning Model and Case Example,” University of Indiana, Indiana, IL. April 21, 2017.
- Lovely, III, W. A. (Presenter & Author), AIB Annual Conference, “Innovations in IB Pedagogy: Assessment Centers,” Academy of International Business, New Orleans, LA. June 30, 2016.
- Lovely, III W. A. (Presenter & Author), AIB Annual Conference, Panel Discussion, “Best Practices for Teaching Global Leadership: Assessment Center Methodology,” Academy of International Business, Copenhagen, DK. June 26, 2019.
Research & Teaching Interests
Professor Lovely's current research involves exploring the transformative capacity of assessment center methodology in predicting global leadership competency. Other research interests include ethics, social contract theory, counterinsurgency theory, conflict, and conflict resolution. Professor Lovely teaches courses in international business at the Boston campus as well as the foundational course for the Global Engagement Program at New College of the Humanities, London.
Industry & Academic Experience
Professor Lovely's professional experience includes work in both the private and public spheres with assignments in over two-dozen countries spanning four continents. A former Marine Corps pilot and Civil Affairs/Psychological Operations Officer, he has served with the United Nations, NATO, and numerous foreign militaries. Following his career in the armed forces, he worked for six years in the commercial lending industry before returning to public service as a State Department Field Officer. He spent two years in Iraq as the reconstruction program manager in Al Anbar province and later as the U.S. Envoy to the Italian Joint Taskforce in Southern Iraq. He has been a consultant for the Defense Department on interagency integration and also served as a lecturer with the U.S. Army Command and General Staff College's program on counterinsurgency.
Services to the Profession
Professor Lovely currently serves as the Faculty Director of Student Engagement for International Programs at the D'Amore-McKim School where he remains involved in developing curriculum for the Global Engagement Program, New College of the Humanities, London, UK. Professor Lovely also serves as the Faculty Co-director of the Consortium for Undergraduate International Business Education (CUIBE) annual strategic business case competition; Faculty Advisor to the International Business Club; and acting Director of the Assessment Center for Global Effectiveness' Global ACE program. From 2016—18, Professor Lovely served as Faculty Advisor and Coach to the D'Amore-McKim School's 2014 and 2015 CUIBE case teams.
Awards & Recognition
- Consortium for Undergraduate International Business Education's annual Strategic Case Competition (as Team Advisor/Coach), second place – 2014
- Honored by Delta Zeta sorority for outstanding teaching – 2014, 2017, 2018
- Recipient of the Defense Meritorious Service Medal, Joint Service Commendation Medal, NATO and UN Medals