The Visiting Scholars program welcomes researchers interested in spending time at Northeastern University's Center for Emerging Markets in collaboration with faculty doing research on emerging markets. Visits range from a few days to a year and are open to junior and senior scholars—including Ph.D. students and senior faculty, such as chaired or full professors with an interest in emerging markets. Those interested are requested to contact one or more faculty members at Northeastern University with whom they would be interested in developing a joint research program and who could act as the scholar's sponsor.
Provost's Interdisciplinary Research Sabbatical
The Interdisciplinary Research Sabbaticals is a pilot program begun through the Office of the Provost. The goal of the program is to create productive interdisciplinary research collaborations between a faculty member's home department and other academic units.
2021 – 2022

Louise Walker
Associate Professor, History
2022 – 2023

William Miles
Professor, Political Science
2023 – 2024

Sonia Elise Rolland
Professor of Law
Senior Visiting Scholars
Sorin Krammer
University of Surrey

Sorin Krammer is a Professor of Strategy and International Business at Surrey Business School at the University of Surrey. He earned his Ph.D. in Economics from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.
Research interests: innovation, firm strategies, and organizational responses to external environments
Helena Barnard

Helena Barnard is a professor at GIBS and is responsible for the GIBS doctoral program. She has served on the organizing committee for the Academy of Management Africa conference at GIBS; and on the editorial board of the Global Strategy Journal. She is the Academy of International Business (AIB) Vice President for Administration (2017 to 2020).
Research interests: Global innovation systems, internationalization of emerging market firms, knowledge flows in organizations
Daniel Shapiro
Simon Fraser University

Daniel Shapiro is Professor of Global Business Strategy and Dean Emeritus at Simon Fraser University's Beedie School of Business in Canada. He earned his Ph.D. in Economics from Cornell University.
Research interests: Global strategy, MNEs from emerging economies, corporate ownership and governance
Antonio Majocchi
University of Pavia

Antonio Majocchi is a Full Professor of International Business and Strategy, Department of Economics and Business, at the University of Pavia in Italy. He earned his Ph.D. in Business Administration from Bocconi University and has a degree in Economics from Facoltà di Economia, Pavia University.
Research interests: Family firms and international business, location strategies by MNCs, export determinants.
Aya Chacar

Aya Chacar earned her Ph.D. in Management from the University of California, Los Angeles, and her Master of Business Administration, Finance, from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in New York. She also has a Bachelor of Science degree in Engineering from the University of Saint Joseph, Mansourieh, Lebanon.
Research interests: Business Policy and Strategy, Innovation, Management of Innovation and Change, Pharmaceutical Industry, Technological Innovation, Utility Industry, Value Creation
Roberta Rabelloti
University of Pavia

Roberta Rabelloti is a Full Professor, Department of Political and Social Sciences, at the Università di Pavia in Italy. She earned her Ph.D. in Development Studies from the Institute of Development Studies at the University of Sussex, and she holds an MSc in Development Economics, from the University of Oxford.
Research interests: MNEs from Emerging countries
Miguel Montoya
Tecnologico de Monterrey

Miguel Montoya is Professor of International Competitiveness & Economics and Dean of Graduate School at Tecnologico de Monterrey in Guadalajara, Mexico. He received his Ph.D. in Applied Economics from the Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona (Spain) and BA in Economics from the University of Guadalajara.
Research interests: Innovations in Business for Base of the Pyramid, with a particular interest in emerging markets. He also analyses the regulation of utilities in Latin-American.
Kazuhiro Asakawa
Keio University

Kaz Asakawa is the Mitsubishi Chaired Professor of Management at the Graduate School of Business Administration, Keio University. He received his Ph.D. from INSEAD; his MBA from Harvard University; and his BA summa cum laude from Waseda University.
Research interests: Innovation and R&D management of multinational corporations, cross-border knowledge sourcing and leveraging, subsidiary evolution, and autonomy-control dynamics
Pavida Pananond
Thammasat University

Pavida Pananond is an Associate Professor of International Business at Thammasat Business School, Thammasat University. She received her Ph.D. in Economics (International Business) from the University of Reading (UK), MBA from McGill University (Canada), and BA in Accounting from Chulalongkorn University (Thailand).
Research interests: Internationalization of firms, with a particular interest in emerging market multinationals. She also analyses competitive strategies of Thai and Southeast Asian firms, outward foreign direct investment from Thailand, Southeast Asia, and intra-A foreign direct investment
Grazia Santangelo
University of Catania

Grazia Santangelo is a Professor of Economics at the University of Catania (Italy). She received her Ph.D. in Economics from Reading University (UK). She was president of the European International Business Academy (EIBA) in 2007 and has served on the EIBA board since 2004 as an Italian national representative. She is the author of Innovation in Multinational Corporations in the Information Age (Elgar) and has published articles in Research Policy, J. of Evolutionary Economics, IBR, JWB, Transnational Corporations, and other important journals.
Research interests: International knowledge creation and sourcing, location strategies and linkages creation by MNEs, and innovation management, particularly in emerging markets.
Klaus Meyer

Klaus Meyer is a Professor of Strategy and International Business, CEIBS. He received his Ph.D. in Economics/ International Business from the London Business School.
Research interests: Strategies of Foreign Investors in Emerging economies, Global Strategy, MNEs from Emerging Economies
Vlad Vaiman
University of Iceland

Vlad Vaiman is a Professor of International Management and Director of graduate programs at the School of Business, Reykjavik University, Iceland. He received his Ph.D. in Multicultural Management from the University of St. Gallen, Switzerland, and his MBA from the University of Wyoming. He is a consultant to major organizations in many countries and is the co-founder and executive editor of the European Journal of International Management. He is also the author of Smart Talent Management (with C. Vance) and Talent Management of Knowledge Workers; and he has published in AMLE, AMP, JIBS, and HRM, among others.
Research interests: Cultural differences and their influences on leadership, motivation, and talent management in multinational companies, particularly in emerging markets.
Takeshi Fujisawa
Kwansei Gakuin University, Japan
Research interests: building the theory of Asian Emerging Market Multinationals in terms of comparing with foreign market entry modes of Multinationals from Advanced Countries.
Visiting period: Sept 2023
Victor Gorshkov
University of Niigata Prefecture, Niigata, Japan
Research interests: international economics, international economic relations, comparative economic systems, and the economy of emerging markets.
Visiting period: Sept 2023
Yumiko Nakahara
Kyushu Sangyo University, Fukuoka, Japan
Research Interests: the development of Taiwanese ICT and semiconductor companies, and the international skilled migration to and from Taiwan.
Visiting period: Sept 2023
Ornela Vladi
Doctoral student, Copenhagen Business School, Copenhagen, Denmark
Research interests: Multinational enterprises' (MNE) strategic responsiveness for resilience and sustained competitiveness.
Visiting period: Aug-Dec 2023
Cristina Leone
Doctoral student, University of Palermo, Palermo, Italy
Research interests: corporate sustainability and MNE's role in transferring sustainability practices along global supply chains.
Visiting period: March-July 2023
Maria Andrea De Villa Correa
Universidad EAFIT School of Management, Antioquia, Colombia
Research interests: Development of adaptive political capabilities by EMNEs in emerging markets of high political risk.
Visiting period: Jan.-July 2019
Njal Anderson
Doctoral student, Department of Leadership & Organization, BI Norwegian School of Management
Research interests: Researching expatriation with Paula Caligiuri
Visiting period: Dec. 2018-June 2019
Bernardo Frossard da Silva
COPPEAD School of Business
Research interests: Government support policies for firms internationalization with focus on outward foreign direct investment support: direct financing, fiscal incentives, insurance, informational provision, and international agreements.
Visiting period: Sept. 2018-Jan. 2019
Svetlana Flankova
Doctoral student, St. Gallen University (Switzerland)
Research interests: “The impact of corporate governance and institutions on multinational enterprises' climate change-related reporting”
Visiting period: Aug.-Sept. 2018
Paula Marie Infantes Sanchez
Doctoral student, Universitat de les Illes Balears
Research interests: Business groups operating within emerging markets
Visiting period: March-July 2018
Renata Laczi
PhD candidate, Economics & Management of Technology, University of Pavia
Research interests: Research project with Ellie Banalieva
Visiting period: March-July 2018
Ilir Haxhi
Assistant Professor of Strategy & Corporate Governance, Amsterdam Business School, Faculty of Economics & Business
Research interests: International business, corporate governance, corporate political activity, new ventures, and entrepreneurship
Visiting period: Spring 2017-Spring 2018
Lilach Trabelsi
Doctoral student, Bocconi University
Research interests: “Coopetition and sustainability: What lies beneath”
Visiting period: Oct.-Dec. 2017
Maral Muratbekova-Touron
Professor of Strategy, Organization Behaviour, and Human Resources at ESCP Europe
Research interests: Handling pressure of community logic: the impact of clan ties on recruitment and selection in Kazakhstan
Visiting period: Fall 2017
Alessandro Merendino
Researcher at the Center for Business in Society, Coventry University
Research interests: The positive effects of conflicts in the boardroom
Visiting period: Fall 2017
Alicia Rodriguez Marquez
Assistant Professor, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales y Juridicas Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
Research interests: Internationalization, offshoring, innovation, knowledge-intensive services, technology cooperation, business competitiveness
Visiting period: Summer 2017
Ryan Federo
Doctoral candidate, Center for Global Economy and Geopolitics, ESADE Business School
Research interests: Governance of intergovernmental organizations, drawing on strategy research, particularly organizational theories and corporate governance literature
Visiting period: Jan.-April 2017
Tobias Coutinho Parente
PhD student, Strategic Management, University of Sao Paulo
Research interests: Corporate governance, family firms, decision-making and strategy in emerging markets
Visiting period: Sept. 2016-March 2017
Dirk Michael Boehe
Associate Professor of International Business and Strategy, School of Management and Marketing, University of Adelaide, Australia
Research interests: International diversification strategies, CSR and Corporate Governance in international business
Visiting period: January-June 2016
(Kelly) Xing Chen
PhD student, Management, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Research interest: Corporate governance, international business, and strategy in emerging economies
Visiting period: Fall 2015
Matilde D'Amelio
PhD student, International Business and Development Economics, Department of Management, Economics and Industrial Engineering, Polytechnic of Milan
Research interests: MNEs and provision of collective goods in countries affected by institutional voids, with a particular focus on sub-Saharan region
Visiting period: Fall 2015
Lars Matysiak
Assistant Professor, School of Management and Economics, Justus Liebig University Giessen, Germany
Research interests: Competitive advantages and performance of MNEs, particularly how MNEs attain and sustain resources and capabilities that give them competitive advantages in their home country and in different host countries and regions
Visiting period: Spring 2015, Fall 2014
Lucilene K. R. Bandeira
Professor, Federal University of Campina Grande, Brazil
Research interests: Multinationals' behavior, particularly how Brazilian multinationals create innovation, understanding the link between their innovative capacity and their international expansion
Visiting period: January 2015
Stephanie L. Wang
PhD student, Strategy and International Business, School of Business Administration, University of Miami
Research interests: Capability upgrading and internationalization strategy, mainly contextualized through emerging market multinationals
Visiting period: Spring 2014
Li Dai
Assistant Professor, Department of Management, Loyola Marymount University
Research interests: firm strategy in difficult contexts, economic geography, bottom of the pyramid strategies, and microfoundations of strategy (e.g., entrepreneurship)
Visiting period: Fall 2014
Kiattichai Kalasin
Lecturer, College of Management, Mahidol University
Research interests: Emerging-Economy MNEs, Path-breaking change, State-owned enterprises
Visiting period: Aug. 15-Dec. 15, 2014
Sathyajit Gubbi
Assistant Professor, Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Groningen, Netherlands
Research interests: Strategies pursued by firms in the emerging economies, Strategic Management and International Business
Visiting period: Summer 2014
Yingying Zhang
Associate Professor of Strategy and International Business, Complutense University of Madrid
Research interests: Expansion of multinationals from emerging markets, especially Chinese firms
Visiting period: Spring 2014
Carlos Aveline
Professor of Finance, School of Management, Universidade Nove de Julho – São Paulo
Research interests: International auditing in the Southern Cone (Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Paraguay and Uruguay), the U.S. and Caribbean (Miami, New York, Cayman Islands), Europe (Portugal, Spain, England and Luxembourg) and Asia (Japan)
Visiting period: Spring 2014
Tamara Stucchi
PhD student, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark Department of Strategic Management
Research interests: Internationalization by Indian firms
Visiting period: Spring 2012, Fall 2011
Marion Vieu
PhD student, Aix-Marseille University, France Center in Logistics and Strategy
Research interests: Internationalization process of EMNEs in the context of South-North FDI – France's Case
Visiting period: Fall 2011
Huaichuan Rui
Senior Lecturer, School of Management, Royal Holloway, London University
Research interests: NGOs and community members in Chinese MNEs' home and host countries
Visiting Period: Fall 2011