- PhD Management, University of Connecticut
- MS Hotel Administration, Cornell University and Groupe Essec (IMHI)
- BSBA, Bryant University
- Certificate in Hotel Management, Swiss International Training Center
Selected Publications
- De Massis, A., Eddleston, K.A. & Rovelli, P. 2021. Entrepreneurial by design: How organizational design affects family and nonfamily firms' opportunity exploitation. Journal of Management Studies, 58(1), 27-62.
- Eddleston, K.A., Banalieva, E. & Verbeke, A. 2020. The bribery paradox in transition economies and the enactment of ‘new normal' business environments. Journal of Management Studies, 57(3), 597-625.
- Yu, X., Stanley, L., Li, Y., Eddleston, K.A. & Kellermanns, F.W. 2020. The invisible hand of evolutionary psychology: The importance of kinship in first generation family firms. Entrepreneurship Theory & Practice, 44(1): 134-157.
- Hahn, D., Minola, T. & Eddleston, K.A. 2019. How do scientists contribute to the performance of innovative startups? An imprinting perspective on open innovation. Journal of Management Studies, 56(5): 895-928.
- Eddleston, K.A., Sarathy, R. & Banalieva, E.R. 2019. When a high-quality niche strategy is not enough to spur family firm internationalization: The role of external and internal contexts. Journal of International Business Studies, 50: 783–808.
- Balachandra, L., Briggs, A.R., Eddleston, K.A. & Brush, C. 2019. Don't pitch like a girl! How gender stereotypes influence investor decisions. Entrepreneurship Theory & Practice, 43(1): 116-137.
- Alessandri, T., Cerrato, D. & Eddleston, K. 2018. The mixed gamble of internationalization in family and nonfamily firms: The moderating role of organizational slack. Global Strategy Journal, 8(1): 46-72.
- Ge, J., Stanley, L.J., Eddleston, K.A. & Kellermanns, F.W. 2017. Institutional deterioration and entrepreneurial investment: The role of political connections. Journal of Business Venturing, 32(4), 405-419.
- Eddleston, K.A., Ladge, J., Mitteness, C. & Balachandra, L. 2016. Do you see what I see? Signaling effects of gender and firm characteristics on financing entrepreneurial ventures. Entrepreneurship Theory & Practice, 40(3): 489-514.
- Banalieva, E., Eddleston, K.A. & Zellweger, T. 2015. Family influence, speed of pro-market reforms, and firm performance: An institution-based view of family influence in transition economies. Strategic Management Journal, 36 (9): 1358-1377.
- Kidwell, R.E., Kellermanns, F.W. & Eddleston, K.A. 2012. Harmony, justice, confusion and conflict in family firms: Implications for ethical climate and the “Fredo effect.” Journal of Business Ethics, 106(4): 503-517.
- Banalieva, E. & Eddleston, K.A. 2011. Home region focus and performance of family firms: The roles of family versus professional leaders. Journal of International Business Studies, 42: 1060-1072.
- Eddleston, K.A. & Powell, G.N. 2008. The role of gender identity in explaining sex differences in business owners' career satisfier preferences. Journal of Business Venturing, 23(2):244-256.
- Eddleston, K.A. & Kellermanns, F.W. 2007. Destructive and productive family relationships: A stewardship theory perspective. Journal of Business Venturing, 22(4): 545-565.
- Eddleston, K.A., Veiga, J.F. & Powell, G.N. 2006. Explaining sex differences in managerial career satisfier preferences: The role of gender self-schema. Journal of Applied Psychology, 91(2): 437-445.
- Martins, L.L., Eddleston, K.A., Veiga, J.F. 2002. Moderators of the relationship between work-family conflict and career satisfaction. Academy of Management Journal, 45(2): 399-409.
Selected Presentations
- Eddleston, K. (2021). Opening Keynote Address: Women entrepreneurship and family business. Diana International Research Conference, Nice, France.
- Eddleston, K. (2021). The Fredo Effect: How one bad family member can undermine a family firm. Cornell University Smith Family Business Initiative, Ithaca, NY.
- Eddleston, K. (2020). When the family undermines the business: Understanding the Fredo Effect. Global Family Business Learning Symposium, Family Business Network, London, UK.
- Eddleston, K. (2020). Making sense of family firm corruption: An overview of two studies. Nova School of Business & Economics, Research Seminar, Carcavelos, Portugal.
- Eddleston, K. (2020). Balancing continuity and radical change in family business. Strategic Management Society Family Business Extension, London, UK.
- Eddleston, K. (2020). What can strategic management learn from family business research? Strategic Management Society Family Business Extension, London, UK.
- Eddleston, K. (2019). Opening Plenary: How has research impacted your teaching? U.S. Association of Small Business & Entrepreneurship (USASBE) Conference, St. Pete's Beach, Florida.
Research & Teaching Interests
Eddleston is widely published in the field of entrepreneurship. She has won multiple awards for her research on family businesses as well as women entrepreneurs and managers. She has helped many students successfully join their family's firms and has also assisted students in the launch of their own enterprises. Eddleston has taught multiple entrepreneurship courses including Family Business Management and Small Business Management. She has also developed a small business consulting project curriculum that has been featured at several entrepreneurship conferences and in Inc. Magazine.
Industry & Academic Experience
Eddleston is recognized as a leading scholar of entrepreneurship by the Schulze Family Foundation that awarded her the nationally recognized Schulze Distinguished Professorship. She also serves as an Academic Scholar at Cornell University Smith Family Business Initiative. Previously, she has served as the Toft Visiting Professor at the Jönköping International Business School, Sweden and a Research Fellow at the University of St. Gallen, Switzerland. She has extensive experience working with family businesses in the U.S. and abroad and is routinely invited to present at family business events for executives as well as academics. Eddleston grew up working for several of her family's businesses and remains an active stakeholder.
Before joining Northeastern University she was the Assistant Director of the Wolff Family Program in Entrepreneurship at the University of Connecticut. She was also a research assistant in business communications at Cornell University's School of Hotel Administration. Earlier in her career she worked for several restaurant and hotel companies including Westin Hotels and the Marriott Corporation.
Services to the Profession
Eddleston is an Associate Editor of the Journal of Business Venturing and a Senior Editor at She is on the editorial boards of Academy of Management Review, Entrepreneurship Theory & Practice, Group & Organization Management, Organization Management Review, Journal of Family Business Strategy, Family Business Review and Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal. She has also served as a guest editor of Entrepreneurship Theory & Practice, Journal of Family Business Strategy, Asia Pacific Journal of Management, and Small Business Economics.
Eddleston serves as a Member of the Academy of Management Entrepreneurship Division's Event Logistics and Planning Committee and a Judge of the division's Heizer dissertation award. She has served as the Division Chair of the Academy of Management's Careers Division and the Entrepreneurship Division's Early Career Development Consortium Chair and Co-Chair. She has been elected twice to serve as President of the Family Business Special Interest Group of the U.S. Association of Small Business and Entrepreneurship (USASBE) and currently serves as Past-President Elect. Additionally, she has Co-chaired the Strategic Management Society's Family Business Extension Conference.
Other professional service includes: Small Business Management and Family Business Track Chair of (USASBE), Family Business Awards Committee Leader at USASBE, Doctoral Awards Panel of the Family Enterprise Research Conference (FERC), Conference Organizer of the Theories of Family Enterprise Conference, Board of Directors of the Careers Division of the Academy of Management, Vice President at Large of the Eastern Academy of Management, Program Chair of the International Family Enterprise Research Association (ifera), and Doctoral and Early Career Consortium Chair of the Family Enterprise Research Conference (FERC). Professor Eddleston also routinely serves as a judge for the Massachusetts Family Business of the Year Awards sponsored by the Northeastern University Center for Family Business.
Awards & Recognition
- Schulze Distinguished Professorship, 2015 – present
- Academic Scholar, Cornell University Smith Family Business Initiative, 2016 – present
- Montoni Research Fellow, 2019 – present
- Office Depot Visiting Scholar in Small Business, Florida Atlantic University, 2018 – 2019
- Family Owned Business Institute Scholar Award, Grand Valley State University, 2015 – 2017
- Research Fellow, Center for Family Business, University of St. Gallen, 2010 – 2017
- Recognized by Stanford University as one of the world's top 2% most cited researchers
- Recognized as a Top 20 Entrepreneurship and Family Business Scholar in the Journal of Family Business Strategy (2022)
- Recognized as the 9th most influential and productive family business researcher in the European Journal of Family Business (2021)