Valentina Marano is Associate Professor in the International Business & Strategy Group at the D’Amore-McKim School of Business, Northeastern University, and an Associate Fellow for the Center for Emerging Markets. She received her PhD in International Business from the Moore School of Business at the University of South Carolina.
Marano's research explores the practice adoption, organizational legitimacy, and performance of multinational corporations from emerging and advanced economies and broader issues of comparative corporate governance and corporate sustainability. Her works have appeared in Academy of Management Review, Journal of International Business Studies, Journal of Management, and Journal of Management Studies, among others.
She sits on the reviewing boards of Business & Society, Global Strategy Journal, Journal of International Business Studies, Journal of Management Studies, and Journal of World Business. In addition, she regularly reviews for journals such as Academy of Management Journal, Organization Science, Strategic Management Journal, and Journal of Management, among others.
Her teaching interests include global strategy, international business, and corporate sustainability, and she delivers courses on these subjects to both undergraduate and MBA students.
- PhD, University of South Carolina
- MA, George Washington University
- BA, Università degli Studi di Roma Tre, Rome, Italy
Selected Publications
- Marano, V., Wilhelm, M., Beugelsdijk, S., Kostova, T., & Doh, J. 2024. Multinational Firms and Sustainability in Global Supply Chains: Scope and Boundaries of Responsibility. Journal of International Business Studies, 55(4): 413-428.
- Flankova, S., Tashman, P., van Essen, M., & Marano, V. 2023. When Are Voluntary Environmental Programs More Effective? A Meta-Analysis of the Role of Program Governance Quality. Business & Society, 63(6): 1340–1379.
- Spadafora, E., Addo, K.A., Kostova, T., Kumodzie-Dussey, M.K., Leo, E., Marano, V. and van Essen, M. 2022. Board Independence and Firm Internationalization: A Meta-Analysis. Multinational Business Review, 30(4): 499-525.
- Tashman, P., Flankova, S., van Essen, M., & Marano, V. 2022. Why Do Firms Participate in Voluntary Environmental Programs? A Meta-Analysis of the Antecedents of Voluntary Environmental Programs. Organization & Environment, 35(1): 3-29.
- Aragon-Correa, J.A., Aguilera, R.V., & Marano, V. 2022. Rethinking Corporate Power to Tackle Grand Societal Challenges: Lessons from Political Philosophy. Academy of Management Review, 47(4): 637-645.
- Marano, V., Sauerwald, S., & van Essen, M. 2022. The Influence of Culture on the Relationship between Women Directors and Corporate Social Performance. Journal of International Business Studies, 53(7): 1315-1342.
- Aguilera, R.V., Aragon-Correa, J.A., Marano, V., & Tashman, P. 2021. The Corporate Governance of Environmental Sustainability: A Review and a Proposal for Future Research. Journal of Management, 47(6): 1468-1497.
- Marano, V., Tallman, S. & Teegen, H. J. 2020. The Liability of Disruption. Global Strategy Journal, 10(1): 174-209.
- Aguilera, R.V., Marano, V. & Haxhi, I. 2019. International Corporate Governance: A Review and Future Research Directions. Journal of International Business Studies, 50(4): 457-498.
- Tashman, P., Marano, V. & Kostova, T. 2019. Walking the Walk or Talking the Talk? Corporate Social Responsibility Decoupling in Emerging Market Multinationals. Journal of International Business Studies, 50(2): 153-171.
Selected Presentations
- Examining the Effectiveness of CSR Contracting for CSR Outcomes: A Comparative Perspective (with P. Tashman & S. Sauerwald), Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, August 2024.
- Examining the Effectiveness of CSR Contracting for CSR Outcomes: A Comparative Perspective (with P. Tashman, S. Sauerwald, & R. Aguilera), IB&S/MOD/E&I Brownbag, D'Amore-McKim School of Business, March 25, 2024.
- Extending/Challenging Existing Theories and Assumptions in Global Sustainability Research. Invited presentation. 2nd Global Sustainability Conference, Indiana University, September 15, 2023
- Governance and Sustainability: Changes and Challenges. Symposium. Organized by: P.M. Picone, C. Leone. Other participants: P. Christmann, J. Surroca, K. Xu, A. Capasso. Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Boston, August 2023
- Climate Change, Multinationals, and the Energy Transition: Insights into this Global Grand Challenge. Symposium. Organized by I. Milosevic, B. Grogaard, E. Bass. Other participants: A. Verbeke, M. Bu, R. Van Tulder, and M. Putra. Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Boston, August 2023
Awards & Recognition
- 2024 Best Reviewer Award, Journal of International Business Studies
- 2023 DMSB Summer Research Award
- 2023 Best Reviewer Award, Journal of International Business Studies
- 2023 Best Paper Award, European International Business Academy, Track 3 “MNEs, Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainable Development,” for the paper titled: “The impact of control mechanisms and home-host institutional environment on the alignment of sustainability-Specific Strategic practices in Multinational Companies” by Franco, S., Valentino, A., Marano, V. & Caroli, M.
- 2022 Best Reviewer Award, Journal of Management Studies