Larissa Marchiori Pacheco recently finished her PhD in Strategy & International Business. Her research interests lie on the intersection of firms’ nonmarket strategies and interdependencies with formal and informal institutions in Latin America. The major themes center on understanding how market failures shape and are shaped by nonmarket strategies, as well as the outcomes of such strategies at the firm and country levels. Pacheco's teaching interests include International Business, Business Strategy, Business Ethics, Business Sustainability and many others. She recently joined the Global Resilience Institute as a Post Doctoral Researcher and brings her experience and expertise from a business management perspective to community resilience research projects, addressing the interdependencies of resilience building and the creation of a supportive business environments. Additionally, she is an active member of the Academy of Management and the Academy of International Business and is the co-editor of the academic journal Innovation & Management Review.
- PhD in Strategy & International Business, Fundação Getulio Vargas
- MSc in Business Management, University of São Paulo
- BSc in Business Management, University of São Paulo
Selected Publications
- ALVES, M.F.R.; PACHECO, L.M.; GALINA, S. Balancing Exploration and Exploitation Across Boundaries: Evidence from New Product Development. Business Research Quarterly, 0(0).
- CEZARINO, L.D.; LIBONI, L.B.; HUNTER, T.; PACHECO, L.M.; MARTINS, F.M. (2022). Corporate social responsibility in emerging markets: opportunities and challenges for sustainability integration. Journal of Cleaner Production, 362, 132224.
- CALDANA, A.C.F; PACHECO, L.M.; ALVES, M.F.R.; EUSTACHIO, J.; SANTOS, N. (2022). Strategy Implementation for the 2030 Agenda: Insights from Brazilian companies. Business Ethics, the Environment & Responsibility, 31(2), p.296-306.
- LOURENCAO, M. T. A.; KRUGER, C.; PENNABEL, A.F.; PACHECO, L.M.; GUIMARAES, F.H.C.B..; CALDANA, A.C.F. (2021). Achieving sustainable value chains by adopting sustainable development goals: a mapping exercise. World Review of Entrepreneurship, Management and Sustainable Development, 17(5), p. 1-15
- PACHECO, L. M.; ALVES, M. F. R; LIBONI, L. B. (2018). Green absorptive capacity: a mediation-moderation model of knowledge for innovation. Business Strategy and the Environment, 1, p. 1-12.
Selected Presentations
- PACHECO, L.M.; MOORE, E.M.; BRANDL, K.; DAU, L. Understanding the firms' role in building community resilience. In: AOM 2022 Annual Meeting, 2022, Seattle – USA; SMS 2022, London – UK.
- MOORE, E.M.; PACHECO, L.M.; BRANDL, K.; DAU, L. CSR and Institutional Schisms: examining the EU. In: AIB Latin America and the Caribbean Chapter AIB-LAC 2023, Sao Paulo – Brazil; AOM 2022 Annual Meeting, 2022, Seattle – USA; AIB Latin America and the Caribbean Chapter AIB-LAC, 2022, Miami – USA; AIB 2022 Annual Meeting, 2022, Miami – USA; AIB UKI Chapter 2022, Miami – USA.
- PACHECO, L.M.; MOORE, E.M.; BRANDL, K.; DAU, L. Firm level CSR and the perception of government effectiveness in Latin America. In: AIB Latin America and the Caribbean Chapter AIB-LAC 2023, Sao Paulo – Brazil; AIB 2021 Annual Meeting, 2021, Virtual Conference; AOM 2021 Annual Meeting, 2021, Virtual Conference; AIB Latin America and the Caribbean Chapter AIB-LAC 2021, 2021, Virtual Conference; AIB UKI Chapter, 2021, Virtual Conference.
- PACHECO, L.M.; LEAO, FLEURY, M.T.L. All but impossible? Sustainability in extractive industry located in unstable institutional context. In: AOM 2021 Annual Meeting, 2021, Virtual Conference.
- ALVES, M.F.R; PACHECO, L.M.; KIM, N.; BRANZEI, O.; CALDANA, A.; SANTOS, N.M.B.F. Getting Ahead of Yourself: How to Close the Gap Between What Organizations Say and Do. In: AIB 2023, Warsaw – Poland; AOM 2021 Annual Meeting, 2021, Virtual Conference; 13th Annual ARCS Research Conference, 2021, Virtual Conference; Business & Society Research Seminar, 2021, Virtual Conference.
Awards & Recognition
- Best Responsible Research Paper Prize, Nominee – SMS 2022 – 2022
- CAPES Brasil Best Thesis Award, Nominee – 2021
- FGV EASP Best Thesis Award – 2020
- Best Paper with Authors from Latin America Award, AIB LAC – 2020