To earn an Operations and Supply Chain Management concentration in the Online MBA or Online MS in Finance/MBA, you will earn nine credits from the curriculum listed below.

Complete 9 elective credits from the following

Examines the logistics and transportation operations, including the structure, challenges, and potential of the major modes of domestic transportation. Focuses on the interaction between logistics providers and shippers in the marketplace. Explores the major dynamics of the logistics marketplace and their impact on supply chain management. Offers students a managerial perspective on controlling what is typically the most expensive component of supply chain management, transportation expenditures.

SCHM 6211 | 3 Hours

Focuses on the managerial activities of those involved in supply chain management operations and planning for companies involved in international commerce. Analyzes contemporary issues that affect the design of international supply chain systems and strategies, including sourcing, logistics, transactions, risk, and ethical considerations. Examines the current status and future prospects of the modes of international logistics operations as well as international trade and development issues, not only from the corporate perspective but also in terms of government policy.

SCHM 6213 | 3 Hours

Addresses the strategic and operational role of sourcing and procurement and its impact on the supply chain as it relates to the entire organization. The selection, contracting, development, and monitoring/managing of the right supplier in the right location is more often a source of competitive advantage and a major contributor to a company's bottom line. Focuses on a variety of aspects of this function—strategy development, organization, procedures, supplier selection, negotiations, buyer-supplier relationship management, quantity, quality, timeliness, and cost/price considerations for the purchase of goods and services. Emphasizes the perspective of the sourcing and procurement manager. The key questions addressed in this course are: What does the manager need to know to be effective? How do they apply key concepts?.

SCHM 6214 | 3 Hours

Designed to develop strategic decision-making skills using the latest analytics capabilities and enabler. Examines the state of the art in analytics capabilities and how these drive supply chains, from marketing to sourcing. Also examines how organizations use analytics to meet their strategic objectives, provide value to the business, and make decisions. Focuses on industry best practices, including studying some of the leading companies.

SCHM 6215 | 3 Hours

Focuses on how to create sustainable supply chains that profitably yield high-quality, safe products without supply interruption while creating a net benefit for the employees, community, and the environment. Studies how companies measure environmental performance and use the data to motivate associates, suppliers, customers, policy makers, and the public. Also addresses the impacts of global sustainability frameworks and measures.

SCHM 6221 | 3 Hours

Examines concepts and topics related to the design and management of supply chain operations in the healthcare sector. Focuses on activities and functions such as inventory control, order fulfillment, logistics, procurement, managing processes, relationship management, and information technology systems. Introduces various tools and techniques that enhance effective supply chain operations in healthcare organizations.

SCHM 6223 | 3 Hours

Offers a practical introduction to demand (sales) forecasting for business students. Focuses on the organizational processes in generating a forecast, regression analysis, exponential smoothing, time-series analysis, judgmental forecasting methods, and evaluation of forecast quality. Uses real-life data and various software packages to illustrate basic concepts.

SCHM 6224 | 3 Hours

The following is a sample curriculum and is subject to change. Enrolled students should reference the academic catalog for current program requirements.