Stine Grodal is Distinguished Professor at Northeastern University D'Amore-McKim School of Business in the department of Entrepreneurship and Innovation. She received her PhD from Stanford University in Management Science and Engineering. Grodal has developed and delivered classes globally on innovation, strategy and design thinking to undergraduates, graduate students and executives. Her research examines the emergence and evolution of markets and industries. She is especially interested in how firms can shape and exploit the socio-cognitive elements of markets. Her research has received numerous awards including the EGOS Best Paper Award and the TIM Best Paper Award. Her work has been published in both management and sociology journals such as Administrative Science Quarterly, Organization Science, Academy of Management Review, Strategic Management Journal and American Sociological Review. Her work has also been published in practitioner oriented journals such as MIT Sloan Management Review and IESE Insight. Grodal is committed to research methods. She is known for her expertise in using interviews, ethnography and in-depth archival research, which she combines with quantitative analyses and online experiments when appropriate.
- PhD Management Science and Engineering, Stanford University
- MA Psychology, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
- BA Psychology, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Selected Publications
- Grodal, S., Anteby, M and Holm, A. 2021. Achieving rigor in qualitative analysis: The role of active categorization in theory building, forthcoming Academy of Management Review
- Hsu, G. and Grodal, S. 2021 The double-edged sword of oppositional category positioning: A study of the U.S. e-cigarette category, 2007-2017, Administrative Science Quarterly, 66(1): 86–132
- Zunino, D., Suarez, F., and Grodal, S. 2019. Familiarity, creativity and the adoption of category labels in technology industries, Organization Science, 30(1): 169-190
- Grodal, S. 2018. Field expansion and contraction: How communities shape social and symbolic boundaries, Administrative Science Quarterly, 13(4): 783–818.
- Grodal, S. and O'Mahony, S. 2017. How does a grand challenge become displaced? Explaining the duality of field mobilization, Academy of Management Journal, 2017, 60(5): 1801–1827. Finalist for AMJ Best Paper published in 2017
- Kahl, S. and Grodal, S. 2016. Discursive strategies and radical technological change: Multilevel discourse analysis of the early computer (1947-1958), Strategic Management Journal, 37(1): 149-166
- Grodal, S., Gotsopoulos, A. and Suarez, F.F. 2015. The Co-evolution of categories and designs during industry emergence, Academy of Management Review, 40(3): 423–445 (equal authorship). A symposium based on this paper won the OMT Best Symposium Award
- Hsu, G. and Grodal, S. 2015. Category taken-for-grantedness as a strategic opportunity: The case of light cigarettes, 1964-1993, American Sociological Review, 80(1): 28-62. Lead article
- Suarez, F.S, Grodal, S. and Gotsopoulos, A. 2015. Perfect timing?: Dominant category, dominant design and the window of opportunity for firm entry, Strategic Management Journal , 36(3): 437–448 (equal authorship). Finalist for the 2011 TIM Best Paper Award
- Granqvist, N., Grodal, S. and Woolley, J. 2013. Hedging your bets: Explaining executives' market labeling strategies in nanotechnology, Organization Science, 24(2): 395-413 (equal authorship). Winner of the 2009 EGOS Best Paper Award and June 2015 “Most Read” paper in Organization Science
Selected Presentations
- Grodal, S. The professionalization dilemma in mediated market: From hearing dealers to audiologists (1945-2015), Cornell University, October 2020
- Grodal, S. Achieving rigor in qualitative analysis: The role of active categorization in theory building, Aarhus University, Denmark November 2020
- Grodal, S. Big, Beige and Bulky: Aesthetic Shifts in the Hearing Aid Industry (1945-2015), Michigan University, Michigan, February, 2020
- Grodal, S. Junkies, queers and babies: Achieving category cohesion during the evolution of the category “AIDS” (1978-1985) University of Western Ontario, Canada, November, 2019
- Grodal, S. The Origination of Categorical Stigma: A Study of the U.S. E-cigarette category, 2007-2017, University of Virginia, February 2019
Award and Recognition
- TIM Best Paper Award, TIM division, Academy of Management, 2018
- AMJ Best Paper Published in 2017 Finalist (top 3)
- Positive Organizational Scholarship Best Paper Award, 2015 (awarded bi-annually)
- TIM Best Paper Award Finalist (top 3), TIM division, Academy of Management, 2011
- Best Paper Award, EGOS, 2009, (1st out of 948 presented papers and 8,217 submissions)