Startup unisex streetwear brand appeals to global nomads
Robert Yang, DMSB'24, and Matias Belete, DMSB'24 start a streetwear brand that embraces cross cultural awareness.
Robert Yang, DMSB'24, and Matias Belete, DMSB'24 start a streetwear brand that embraces cross cultural awareness.
“Tech” and “waste cleanup” don't seem to go together. Yet for Alan McKim—vice chair of Northeastern University's Board of Trustees; half the namesake of the D'Amore-McKim School of Business; and the founder, chairman and former CEO of the environmental cleanup giant Clean Harbors—combining the two is always top of mind.
Yvonne Hao, secretary of economic development for Massachusetts and former COO and CFO of Boston-based PillPack, shared her advice on navigating the changing economy.
What started as a project for a Marketing Strategies for StartUps class, is now a growing company led by Hannah Ung, DMSB'23.
Even at its most over-the-top moments, the show Succession is a shockingly accurate portrayal of what succession can do to a family business.
Sal Lupoli, DMSB'88, owner of Sal's pizza, talks humble beginnings to his 120 location pizza empire.
Research by Juan Bu and Alvaro Cuervo-Cazurra shows that new ventures in emerging markets, initially created informally, suffer from costs that persist and constrain a firm's ability to innovate even after they formalize their status. As a result of these informality costs, informally created new ventures are more likely to develop imitative rather than innovative new products. However, being acquired by other firms and improvements in the national innovation system can weaken the persistence of these informality costs, resulting in more innovation. To explain these findings, Bu and Cuervo-Cazurra develop the concept of internal imprinting, which captures how the internal characteristics of a company result in the establishment of practices that persist over time, affecting behavior and innovation. Managers in emerging markets should consider formalizing their firms from the beginning or joining a private business group to mitigate the negative impact of informality on their firms' innovativeness.
Two sisters, Mia Boyan Lima, DMSB'25, and Sofia Boyan Lima, DMSB'28, co-founded a swimwear company together, “By Lima.” By Lima is a sustainable, affordable, high-quality swimsuit company.
Shaan Arora, Khoury'23/DMSB'23, has created a software company that builds a loyalty program featured on small business websites.
Northeastern graduate Danny Walsh's, COE'15, MBA'18, love of coffee has sent him down a journey he never expected to take. By combining his love for coffee and being healthy, he created the mushroom-infused Peak State Coffee.