
As an international business and affairs student who also has Austrian citizenship, co-oping in Vienna seemed like a perfect fit for Mortiz Proell, DMSB'25.

Helena D'Alessandro, DMSB'26, co-ops in Greece.

Skilled at navigating uncertainty, Kristine Aleksandrovica, DMSB'22, works to find greener modes of product transportation at her L'Oréal supply chain co-op in Paris.

Passionate about social responsibility in food systems, Abigale Purvis, DMSB'21, impacted multiple sides of food systems through her co-ops and earned the Harold D. Hodgkinson Award.

No stranger to global experiences, Jaime Bensadon, DMSB'22, is embracing the power of planning at his Toyota co-op in Belgium.

Fernanda Lopez, DMSB'21, is dedicated to shattering the glass ceiling for young women, a trait that shines through her extensive on- and off-campus engagement.

Take a look back at the trailblazing career of Linda Sarkisian, DMSB'80 and former Senior Cooperative Education Coordinator for finance.