
Recognizing Northeastern's excellence in student-driven entrepreneurship, the Deshpande Foundation has given the Center for Entrepreneurship Education the 2015 “Excellence in Student Engagement in Entrepreneurship” award.

Northeastern's Women who Inspire Speaker Series continued Tuesday night with a panel discussion featuring three financial services leaders.

“The MSI program provided a set of tools that I can depend on to react to unpredictable changes or be on top of predictable changes in the industry.” – Arnab Biswas, MSI'15, MBA'17.

“I was also looking to build my business acumen, industry network, and increase my confidence, all of which I have achieved as a direct result of the MSI program,” says Vogel.

Belmont Car Wash & Detailing, Stop & Compare Supermarkets, and Interstate Electrical Services placed first in three size-based categories at this year's Family Business Awards—the ninth annual showcase for local multi-generational family businesses organized by D'Amore-McKim's Center for Family Business.

BRIC countries make up only about 40 percent of the GDP of all emerging markets worldwide: the core concept underlying the Center for Emerging Markets' sixth annual symposium.

Oleks Osiyevskyy, an assis­tant pro­fessor of entre­pre­neur­ship and inno­va­tion in the D'Amore-McKim School of Busi­ness at North­eastern Uni­ver­sity, dis­cussed the ins and outs of busi­ness model inno­va­tion on Wednesday after­noon in the Raytheon Amphithe­ater.

At North­eastern, an impres­sive 50 per­cent of grad­u­ates receive a job offer from a pre­vious co-​​op employer. But in one Boston apart­ment, that number is a per­fect 100 percent.

“The experience that this program provided me was absolutely essential in moving my career forward,” says Manny Epperly, MS in Finance/MBA'15.

The Northeastern University Marketing Association took home four awards total for Outstanding Chapter Reporting, Outstanding Membership, and Outstanding Communications, as well as Second Place Social Media Campaign in the Be the Match Competition.