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How do food donations work? What kind of products might be needed at a local food pantry
Turning Waste into Wealth: Erdi Pratama's Vision for Sustainable Agriculture
Second year MBA student, Erdi Pratama, is tackling agricultural waste in Indonesia through biochar—an innovative, carbon-rich material that improves soil health and reduces environmental harm.
Reforesting and refreshing: Rueda Paz's dual mission in Ecuador
Domenica Rueda Paz is a Spring 2024 Recipient of the Srinivasan Family Awards for Projects in Emerging Markets, a bi-annual student grant program open to undergraduate and graduate students at Northeastern University, run by the Center for Emerging Markets.
Why are food prices still so high? What is price gouging — and why is it so complicated?
D'Amore-McKim food pricing expert John Lowrey says the story is a complicated one, not least because of lingering uncertainty from the pandemic.
CEM Faculty Fellow Yi Zheng organizes Boston Urban Forum on sustainable energy in celebration of World Environment Day
Yi Zheng, Faculty Fellow at the Center for Emerging Markets (CEM) and Professor of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering at Northeastern University, organized an enriching forum focused on “Sustainable Energy in Cities and Communities” to celebrate World Environment Day with the Boston Urban Forum.
Why Multinationals Improve their Sustainability after Their Foreign Subsidiaries and Suppliers Misbehave
Cheng Li and Alvaro Cuervo-Cazurra investigated the relationship between misconduct by multinationals' foreign suppliers and subsidiaries and the multinationals' corporate social responsibility (CSR). They explain and find that multinationals whose foreign suppliers or subsidiaries experienced major environmental, social, and governance (ESG) breaches improved their CSR performance after the incident when compared to multinationals without such breaches. Additionally, these responses by multinationals to supplier and subsidiary misbehavior are more robust for multinationals from home countries with CSR mandates. Finally, they found that while major subsidiary misbehavior led to higher internal CSR performance, major supplier misbehavior resulted in higher external CSR performance. The findings provide valuable insights for managers of multinationals dealing with the challenges of managing misbehavior in far-flung suppliers and subsidiaries. They need not only to solve the particular misbehavior, but also implement multinational-wide initiatives to compensate for the breach in the social contract with stakeholders
Your Company Will Need Remote Work as Extreme Weather Gets Worse
Companies that invest in robust remote work policies are better insulated from the business impact of natural disasters, according to research from John Bai and his collaborators published in the Harvard Business Review.
Experience personified: McKim shares the ups and downs of leadership with graduate business students
Alan McKim, MBA'88 and D'Amore-McKim School of Business namesake, offers honest advice to first-year students in the Full-Time MBA Career Management class.
Student perspectives from the 2023 World Trade Organization Forum: Brecker Ferguson
Brecker Ferguson, a third-year student in Business Administration and Environment & Sustainability Sciences at Northeastern University, shares his takeaways about the role of emerging economies in global trade after attending the 2023 World Trade Organization Public Forum.