
Nardone Seminar: Managing Elite Workers Across Borders | Lynn Pyun, CUNY
Presented by Lynn Pyun This event is part of the Nardone Speaker Series presented by the Center for Emerging Markets

Nardone Seminar: China - Why it Matters and Where it's Going | Jack Perkowski, JFP Holdings
Presented by Jack Perkowski This event is part of the Nardone Speaker Series presented by the Center for Emerging Markets

Nardone Seminar: Regional Strategic Assets and the Location Strategies of Emerging Countries' Multinationals in Europe | Riccardo Crescenzi, London School of Economics
Presented by Professor Riccardo Crescenzi. This event is part of the Nardone Speaker Series presented by the Center for Emerging Markets.

Nardone Seminar: Remix Strategy - The Three Laws of Business Combination | Ben Gomes-Casseres, Brandeis U.
Presented by Ben Gomes-Casseres. This event is part of the Nardone Speaker Series presented by the Center for Emerging Markets.

Nardone Seminar: Can Multinational Companies Light Up Developing Countries? MNEs and Access to Electricity in Sub-Saharan Africa | Matilde D'Amelio, Politecnico di Milano
Presented by Matilde D'Amelio This event is part of the Nardone Speaker Series presented by the Center for Emerging Markets.

Nardone Seminar: Does CEO International Experience Matter for Mergers and Acquisition? | Aya Chacar, Florida International U.
Presented by Aya Chacar. This event is part of the Nardone Speaker Series presented by the Center for Emerging Markets.

Nardone Seminar: Transfer Pricing Issues in Emerging Economies | Tanya Terekhova & Judd Schreiber
Presented by Tanya Terekhova and Judd Schreiber. This event is part of the Nardone Speaker Series presented by the Center for Emerging Markets.

Symposium: Modi-fication of the Indian Economy
With the election of Prime Minister Narendra Modi in May 2014, India has entered a new phase of optimism. The economy has been growing at approximately 7 percent p.y. and the government has launched several initiatives, such as the Make in India program, to promote growth and investment. What opportunities

Nardone Seminar: Creative Construction - Insights on Sustainable Entrepreneurship from the BOP
This event is part of the Nardone Speaker Series.

Nardone Seminar: Cultural Differences and Country Specific Drivers of Returns to Inventory Leanness | Cuneyt Eroglu, Northeastern U.
Presented by Cuneyt Eroglu. This event is part of the Nardone Speaker Series presented by the Center for Emerging Markets.