About the Event

Mohan Subramaniam

For decades, firms have anchored their competitive strategy on products, value chains and industry characteristics. These approaches, by such legacy firms, are getting outdated. Mohan Subramaniam, Associate Professor at Carroll School of Management in Boston College, presented an overview of his upcoming book that offers a modern perspective of competitive strategy that is anchored on data and digital ecosystems. Key ideas included the showcasing of data's enlarged role in modern business, a fresh conceptualization of digital ecosystems tailored to the needs of legacy firms, along with new frameworks that show how digital ecosystems can amplify the power of data for competitive advantage.

Subramaniam highlighted the significance of interactive data, and why it is more powerful than episodic data that most legacy firms currently use. By presenting digital ecosystems as a combination of production and consumption ecosystems, he offered frameworks to unleash the modern drivers of competitive advantage.

About the Nardone Family Seminar Series 

Made possible by a gift from David R. Nardone, this seminar series brings scholars and practitioners to Northeastern University to share insights on emerging markets.  

Center for Emerging Markets Events