Alvaro Cuervo-Cazurra is a Professor of International Business and Strategy at Northeastern University. He studies the internationalization of firms, with a special interest in emerging market multinationals; capability upgrading, particularly technological capabilities; and governance challenges, focusing on state ownership and corruption in international business. He is a Fellow of the Academy of International Business and co-editor of Global Strategy Journal. He received a PhD from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and an Honorary Doctorate from Copenhagen Business School.


  • PhD, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Selected Publications

  • Dedho, N. H., Belderbos, R, & Cuervo-Cazurra, A. Home country anti-bribery law enforcement and firm's experiential learning: clean hands versus dirty hands learning. Journal of International Business Studies.
  • Li, C., & Cuervo-Cazurra, A. How subsidiary and supplier misbehavior lead to corporate social responsibility performance improvements in multinationals. Journal of International Business Studies.
  • Cuervo-Cazurra, A., Purkayastha, S., & Ramaswamy, K. Variations in the corporate social responsibility-performance relationship in emerging market firms. Organization Science.
  • Cuervo-Cazurra, A., Grosman, A., & Megginson, W. A review of the internationalization of state-owned firms and sovereign wealth funds: governments nonbusiness objectives and discreet power. Journal of International Business Studies.
  • Montiel, I., Cuervo-Cazurra, A., Park, J., Antolín-López, R. and Husted, B.W. Implementing the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals in international business. Journal of International Business Studies.

Research & Teaching Interests

Alvaro is a global strategy expert interested in understanding how context affects value creation, especially in emerging markets. His main research interest is global strategic management, in which he analyzes how institutions influence internationalization and firm performance. His secondary line is global sustainable governance, in which he studies how ownership and incentives influence sustainability and societal value.  He has been recognized as part of the top 0.05% of scholars worldwide, 2nd top author on emerging market multinationals, and 8th top author in international business. He has published over seventy articles in Web of Science journals, seven research books, and over forty chapters in academic books.

He teaches courses on strategy, global strategy, and sustainability at the undergraduate, master's, and executive levels. He has taught in Austria, Brazil, Guatemala, Mexico, Poland, Spain, Thailand, UK, and the US. He was a finalist for the Professor of the Year Award at the University of South Carolina.


Alvaro provides research-informed insights to firms, governments, and universities. He has done consulting and training on global strategy for top executives of firms in Brazil, Colombia, Guatemala, Mexico, Poland, and the USA. He has provided consulting and training on how to support the internationalization of domestic firms for government agencies in Brazil and Thailand. He has conducted training on how to build research capabilities for universities in Brazil, Mexico, Spain, and Thailand.

Service to the Profession

Alvaro serves on the editorial boards of top journals like Academy of Management Journal, Academy of Management Review, Journal of International Business Studies, and Strategic Management Journal, and was co-editor of Global Strategy Journal. He and has been an expert reviewer for the National Science Foundations of Canada, Hong Kong, Israel, South Africa, and the US. He was elected to the Executive Committee of the International Management Division of the Academy of Management; was elected as Representative-at-Large in the Global Strategy Interest Group of the Strategic Management Society; served as Program Track Chair at the Academy of International Business' Annual Meeting three times, and co-organized the program of the Academy of International Business' Latin American Chapter.

Awards and Honors

  • AIB Fellow, Academy of International Business
  • Honorary Doctorate, Copenhagen Business School
  • JIBS Silver Medal for intellectual contributions, Journal of International Business Studies
  • IM Division Outstanding Service to the Global Community Award, International Management Division, Academy of Management